Chapter 12

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Later on, the quintet headed from the back to the voided forest in order to escape.

Malervick: "Is there another way to escape?"

Androw: "This is the only way- which we call the void."

Malervick: "You call this 'the void'?"

Androw: "Yes- now we should get going before the murderer searches for us. (the crew follows him to the snowy towering branch) Okay, we're making it."

Ardor: "(walking up to the tree) Wait- that is the same location where I found Risuka's dead body."

Androw: "(turning around) Oh my god, really?"

Ardor: "Yes- for real! And while I was running through the woods, I just found Norville's diary."

Natherine: "Is this how you found out his secret?"

Ardor: "Exactly."

Malervick: "Yeah, that was over the news."

Androw: "(pointing towards the front of the duo) This way! (the group follows him to the pine trees) That's the direction. (staring through the distance) So- is this where you found Norville's diary, Ardor?"

Ardor: "That is the exact place- yes."

Malervick: "So- he must be behind all of this. He might be the demon who's been tormenting us, distorting our dreams, and making life a living hell."

Natherine: "That's it! Ardor, you tell him."

Ardor: "Okay- people, gather round. (the quartet did as she asked) Perfect. After closing my laptop, I realized whoever this diary belongs to is the murderer- and his diary is littered with names of dead people, or should I say the people that he murdered, otherwise he wanted dead- especially my friend's name."

Malervick: "That solves the problem. (his other sentence was delayed by the screaming they heard from the distance) Guys, did you hear that?"

Androw: "Hear what?"

Malervick: "The screaming?"

Ardor: "That's not the equivalent screeching we've heard from last week, was it?"

Malervick: "No it wasn't. (becomes aware of danger arriving at their door) RUN!"

The crew sped separately through the woods to find the correct place to hide from the culprit until they found themselves a ring of skull-shaped tombstones.

Ardor: "It's a dead end."

Androw: "What? I thought we're just going in the right direction!"

Malervick: "(anxious) Oh my god- guys, we're lost!"

Natherine: "We're not lost, you idiot! We've just gone the wrong path."

Androw: "Guess we're going to have to split up."

Avenel: "Split up- what if one of us get killed?!"

Androw: "Then we'll just have to make a group of two."

Malervick: "You mean partners?"

Androw: "Yes I mean it, Malervick- but there's five of us, so one of the groups will be a trio. (the crew gathers around) Alright, I'll make two groups. Natherine, Ardor, and Avenel- me and Malervick."

Avenel: "(walking up to the girls) Sounds good enough."

Androw: "Hear me out- Natherine, you're the bravest woman of the group, so I advise you to keep a close eye out on Avenel."

Natherine: "Will do."

Androw: "Okay, let's go!"

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