Chapter 7

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Ardor: “No one could’ve done it!”

Androw: “What do you mean no one could have done it? Of course, they could’ve done it- to my best friend!”

Malervick: “You mean our best friend.”

Androw: “Oh yeah- right. Sorry.”

Ardor: “Guys, we’re gonna have to get out of here- come on. (exiting the bathroom)”

Risuka: “(following Ardor) I’m coming, Ardor! (bolting out of the restroom and accidentally slipping over Malervick's foot) Sorry, Mal!”

Malervick: “(lifting himself) It’s okay, Risuka. Come on, Androw, we gotta get out of here.”

Androw: “On my way, brother- (about to egress the restroom, but slips on a blood puddle) except tripping on Niviro’s blood! Eww!”

Malervick: “It’s gross- I know. Now come on, let’s get out of here! (exiting the loo)”

Androw: "Oh god... (pausing himself to view Niviro’s face for the last time) I'm sorry, Niviro... I should've never left you."

Remorseful tears flooded Androw's eyes as he closed the door behind him and sped to his classmates.

Malervick: "Well, are we going to continue on our tests or no?"

Norbury: "We'll just have to do it tomorrow or for a week therefore the police are going to investigate for a week or two, but after they close the case or catch the murderer, we're all going to be fine."

Malervick: "(concerned) Are you sure and are you feeling better now?"

Norbury: "A little bit- my stomach hurts. (standing from the bench) I need to go home- I'm not feeling well. Bye, y'all- hope you guys have a good day. (walking out of the school)"

Malervick: "You too, Monsieur Norbury."

Androw: "Aren't you guys gonna go home now?"

Risuka: "We're about to- anyways, my mom is picking me up, so I'll see you guys later. (leaves the school)

Ardor: "Take care, Risa. (to the two male seniors) Well, I'm going to go home too. Bye, guys. (walks to the bus stop)"

Malervick: "Alright- bye, Ardor. (sits on the bench)"

Androw: "(walking up to Malervick) Aren't you gonna go home too?"

Malervick: "Well, we need to discuss about this right now."

Androw: "Why?"

Malervick: "Because this is serious- if the police catch the killer in this school, either they get expelled or-"

Androw: "I know, but there's no way a teacher could've ever done this. Can we just hang out in the park for a moment?"

Malervick: "Of course."

Both Malervick and Androw walked from the back of the school to the desolate and drizzly park- there sat a frosted grassland as they strolled to refresh their memory before wearing their coats.

Malervick: "(relishing the raining noises) Sounds peaceful here."

Androw: "I don't know about you, but that refreshes my memory. The only thing stuck in my head is Niviro."

Malervick: "I understand- he's your closest friend."

Androw: I've known him for ten years- we went to a road trip together, and now he's gone... (tears slid down his cheeks) All I could do is just think about him instead of having to hang out with him."

Malervick: "I know- I miss him too."

Androw: "You do?"

Malervick: "Yes, Androw. I mean we do fight sometimes, but we're still friends. (embraces Androw tightly as Yden snivels on his shoulder) Hey, it's okay. I promise I'll stay by your side, okay? Everything’s gonna be okay- I promise you."

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