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Ciel sat in Cale's room, feeling confused.

There were only him and Cale in the room.

Even though soon they have to leave for the Ubarr territory to board a ship, heading to the Whipper kingdom.



Ciel was confused looking at the small box in front of him.

"A gift for you before we go to the Whipper kingdom."

Cale smiled, making Ciel suspicious, and opened the box.


Ciel saw a ring that could be rotated and there was a strange engraving on it too.

However, the design is quite good.

However, it would not be suitable for Ciel who has small fingers to wear.

That 1cm thick gold ring really didn't look right on him.

Cale got up, took the ring, and put it on Ciel's ring finger.

It magically fit on Ciel's finger.


Ciel immediately wanted to open it, but couldn't.

"Cale, I like you giving me gifts, but if it's something expensive like this, I can't accept it!"

Ciel tried his best to pull it off.  However, it didn't work.

"You will not be able to open the ring without my permission."

Cale grinned, kissing Ciel's hand.


"Cale, why did you buy something expensive and useless like this for me? I don't need it!"

Ciel looked really uncomfortable accepting such a luxurious thing.

He had already received more than enough from Cale and the others.

He doesn't need more than what he needs.

"Who said this ring is useless?"

Cale chuckled, turning Ciel's ring, toward the red small symbol engraved on it.

"Say I love Cale."

Ciel's face turned red when Cake spoke right next to his ear.  That makes the blue mark appear.

"I, I love Cale..."

But Ciel still did it.



Ciel looked at the fireball that appeared after he said that.

"You can throw them at enemies, and the amount depends on how strong your voice is. There is a 5-minute delay before you can use it again."

Cale chuckled, and kissed Ciel's cheek who did as he ordered, then turned Ciel's ring to another blue symbol.

Cale continued to talk in his ear, making the blue mark and Ciel's eyes light up even more.

"Say, Cale is mine."


Cale's words made Ciel flinch.

Ciel was a little hesitant to say it when Cale had a Harem at the moment...

"Ca, Cale is mine..."


A small wind appeared in Ciel's hand.

"Same as before, there is a 5-minute delay before you can use it again."

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