22 ⚠️

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Cale took Ciel to a nearby inn around the palace and gently made Ciel sit on the bed.  Even though he really wanted to press the other party on the bed, he still had to hear Ciel's explanation.  How can Ciel heal his damaged skin?

"What conversation did you have with Paseton?"

Cale didn't want to make Ciel too nervous, so he asked something easy for Ciel to answer without lying first.

"Ah? Paseton said I was getting thinner and asked about my meal schedule while I was at the palace."

Ciel was honest about it even though his face was confused, not expecting that question instead of a serious one.  Ciel had prepared an excuse for it.

"Hmm, what about your dining schedule at the palace?"

Cale nodded looking at Ciel's cheeks which were now not as chubby as the last time he saw them.  It's true what Paseton said, Ciel looks thinner.

"I eat 3 times a day."

Ciel is honest because Alberu makes sure that Ciel eats every meal time after knowing that Ciel likes to lose track of time.  He eats properly, how can he get thinner?

"Only 3 times...?"

Cale was shocked when he heard that.  Ciel tilted his head in confusion.  Eating three times is normal for everyone.  Why was Cale so shocked to hear that?

"No wonder Paseton was shocked when he heard that..."

Cale felt like he had a headache.  It was true that eating 3 times a day was normal, but Ciel's portion size was small, making Cale ensure that Ciel ate 5 times a day.  He only ate half the portion people usually eat.  Even Hans, who also looked thin, ate a portion for 2 people.

Ciel only eats the correct portion if others force him to eat more.  But that made his stomach want to explode.  So eating 5 times a day was the best choice and Cale made Hans make sure Ciel ate when he wasn't around Ciel.

"I'm going to make you drunk on chocolate pudding after this."


Ciel was shocked to hear that.  He already eats 3 times a day and is still going to get punished!?  Even if it was chocolate pudding, his stomach would explode if Cale forced him to eat so much.

Cale let out a short sigh and stroked Ciel's head.

"How do you heal your natural skin?"

Rosalyn said it was impossible to heal someone's original skin if it burned too much.  Cale remembered that Venion even had some permanent scars because of the depth of the wound Beacrox made.  Even though they give high-level potions.

"I found a power that could heal me on a mountain in the capital. It was a fateful encounter when I worked with His Highness."

Ciel answered that with a bright smile and looked very confident.  But this time, Cale knew it was a lie.  Ciel is very good at lying.  Even he was deceived and didn't realize it.

Cale smiled, gently holding Ciel's chin.

"Ciel, I know you're lying. You're a transmigrator, aren't you?"

Cale remembered Ciel saying that the bastard he met in the Jungle was torturing his 'body', not torturing 'him'.  Not to mention Ciel leaving and suddenly gaining the power he so desperately needed.  It was too much of a coincidence when Ciel didn't have any information about it.

Unless Ciel is that lucky, no way will happen.

Cale saw Ciel tilt his head as if he was confused by what he said.  It was so good that Cale would have thought he was overthinking if he had not pinned his thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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