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The wind blew enough to blow the hair of everyone who saw the scene in a war situation.

The smell of blood and weapons wafted from the blowing wind.

Hans looked very uncomfortable with such a sight.  But he quickly adjusted.

Hans was still a professional person as a deputy butler to control his face.

Ciel was still smiling as usual, but when they entered the area with Whipper Kingdom people, Ciel closed his eyes and slowly made his smile fade.

No one would have thought that Ciel previous was smiling super brightly.

"Are you alright?"

Paseton whispered, looking worried by the change in emotions on Ciel's face.

"I'm fine. But my smile wouldn't be appropriate in this situation."

Since Ciel is an outsider, it would only look like he is looking down on the Whipper people.

But Ciel without his smile really made the others feel worried.

Ciel's eyes are always bright with a positive vibe.  When Ciel stopped smiling, Ciel's bright eyes also started showing negative emotions.

Hans just let out a short sigh seeing that.  It cannot be denied that Ciel who doesn't smile makes everyone feel very worried about him.

Hans even gave Ciel his lucky gold coin for that.

Cale stroked Ciel's head gently.

"You can smile whenever you want. Even Toonka can still laugh crazily in this situation, you know."

Receiving Cale's gentle touch, Ciel's cheeks turned red and his lips almost curved into a smile.

"Young master, you almost made me smile!"

Ciel complained slightly as he took a step back.  Even though Ciel didn't smile, his eyes still radiated warm energy not like before as they kept moving.

Ciel sighed internally as he stood behind Hans as everything happened.

Toonka, who is crazy about fighting, might as well ask Choi Han to duel him.

'In that absurd fanfic, Toonka falls in love with Choi Han's strength, and in the end, Choi Han rejects him because he is a member of Cale's Harem.'

Ciel looked at Archie and Paseton who were fine.

'But Choi Han was disappointed when Cale paid more attention to Archie and Paseton than his fight.'

Ciel tried his best to remember the important things in that smut fanfic other than the 18+ part.

He glanced at the person that he thinks is Hota, from the corner of his eye.  A greedy person who wanted to have Cale after he saw him.

But because Cale had a Harem, it wasn't easy.

So Hota tries to destroy Cale's relationship with his harem.

"Let's prepare the arena!"

Toonka looked excited as he shouted, and the field was prepared for his and Choi Han's fight.


Cale saw that there was no seat for Ciel, smiled, looking at him.

"There's no chair for you, but since it's quite cold here, you can sit on my lap."

Cale smiled, wanting to tease Ciel.


Ciel looked around which was full of strangers, made an annoyed face, and looked at Hans.

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