Chapter 1

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*Your POV*

"Ethan!" You exclaim as you see your older brother standing outside the café waiting for your arrival. Ethan turns his head to meet your gaze when he hears your voice.

"(Y/N)!" He excitedly squeals back and opens his arms, waiting for a hug. You jog up to him and embrace him.

Ethan had been so busy lately with photoshoots, Sidemen videos, and travelling, it felt like you hadn't seen him in years, when realistically it had only been a few weeks.

You and Ethan have always been more like best friends than siblings. Having only each other and your mother, you learnt from a young age that family was everything.

Ethan had always been your biggest role model, and as he was the closest thing you had to a father figure, you admire him a lot. However, that also meant that he was always super protective of you.

"How have you been? How's Mum?" Ethan asks after you have ordered your drinks and chosen a place to sit inside the local café that was halfway between your apartment and the Sidemen house, where Ethan and the rest of the boys lived.

They decided to move in together about a year ago. It was getting way too hard to coordinate all of their busy schedules and it seemed like the logical decision to buy a house together.

"She's good, we're good. Just miss you is all." You reply, sipping from the straw in your smoothie.

"I know, I'm sorry about that. Shits been hectic lately." Ethan replies with a tinge of sadness. He and the rest of the boys had just come back from filming in Switzerland. Another 'good team' versus 'bad team' holiday challenge, which you had to admit were your favourite videos to watch. "The boys all miss you too."

You smile at his add-on comment and breathe out a laugh. Those boys were some of your favourite people in the world and you'd known them for as long as you can remember.

"Awww, they do?" You say smiling as Ethan sips his coffee from his takeaway cup.

"Yeah, on the flight on the way home they were talking about that night we all went clubbing a few months back." He chuckles, remembering back to a few days ago. "When you, Talia and Freya got absolutely shit-faced on XIX and started asking strangers for photos of their dogs."

"Shut up!" You laugh. "At least we're fun drunks! We're the life of the party and you know it."

"Fair play, fair play." He giggles back. "Oh hey! Did I tell you JJ is really close to getting a confirmed date for the Jake Paul fight? His team's been working on it the last few weeks."

"What? Really?" You ask, trying to hide the worried expression in your voice. You didn't know what it was about JJ and his boxing matches, but they were always so hard for you to watch. Of course you had been to all of them to support him, but you hated seeing him get hurt.

"Yup! They said they'll hopefully have a confirmed date by the end of the week! The fans will be so happy that it's finally happening after so much talk." Ethan replies, clearly excited and full of anticipation. JJ and the boys had been talking about a KSI versus Jake Paul fight for months, and it seemed like it was finally about to happen, much to your disapproval, not that you'd ever let them see how much it worried you.

You manage to change the subject, and continue enjoying your long-awaited catch up with Ethan, without even realising how fast the time slips away from you both. Suddenly, Ethan's phone 'dings' with a text and he glances down at it.

"Shit! Is it 2 o'clock already?! I have a shoot with the boys!" He says as he stands up from his chair, you following his lead and doing the same.

"It's okay, Eeth!" You tell him, using the nickname you've called him since you could speak. "We have been here for like 3 hours."

"Yeah..." Ethan replies, sounding disappointed as he checks his watch. "But hey! Come by the house tomorrow? I'm sure everyone would love to see you, and tomorrow's our day off."

"I'd love to, I'll text you." You tell him and he gives you a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before rushing out of the café to make his shoot in time.

You pick up your bag from where it's hung over the back of your chair, and head home.


You walk through the door of your apartment and lazily chuck your keys and your bags on the kitchen island before slumping on the couch, ready to catch up on some Netflix.

You put on a rom-com you've seen a hundred times but love, and check your phone to see you have a message from your girls group chat with Talia and Freya


The Last 3 Brain Cells😩🤓

2:17 pm
Talia💍: @(Y/N) coming over tomorrow? x

Freya❤️‍🔥: Pleaseeeee we miss you!💗

You giggle to yourself at how fast Ethan must've relayed the message to them about you going over to the Sidemen house tomorrow. Talia and Freya had their own places but they basically lived at the Sidemen house too. Occasionally, Simon and Josh would go and stay at the girls' apartments, but it was much easier for them to stay at the house.


The Last 3 Brain Cells😩🤓

2:29 pm
(Y/N)🩵: it's only been like 2 days since i saw you guys! but yesss i'm coming over xx

You put your phone down and continue to watch the movie. You get a couple of texts in response from Talia and Freya saying how excited they are to see you tomorrow, even though you all went for a girls dinner only a few nights ago, and eventually find yourself drifting off into sleep.


Hiiii! Thank you so so much for choosing to read this story! Hope you enjoy!

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