Chapter 2

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*Your POV*

"Helloooo?" You call out to no one in particular as you walk through the doors of the Sidemen house, not bothering to knock.

"(Y/N/N)?" You hear a familiar voice call back and you look towards where it came from, seeing Tobi pop out from around the corner of the kitchen.

"Tobs!" You reply excitedly and run up to Tobi before jumping into his open arms for a big hug. Tobi has always been one of your best friends, and you felt a special connection towards him above the other boys. "I missed you! How was your trip?"

"I missed you more!" Tobi replies while releasing you from the hug. "It was good, we got a lot of content filmed, but I'm glad to be home."

Suddenly your conversation is interrupted by Ethan, Harry and Simon trailing into the kitchen behind one another.

"Hey, (Y/N/N)." Harry says lazily, giving you a friendly kiss on the cheek before continuing his beeline to the fridge. Simon also approaches you and gives you a hug, before Ethan follows suit and does the same.

"The girls have been waiting for you upstairs." Simon says after taking a sip of water from his bottle.

"Oh yay! Thanks Si." You respond and head out of the kitchen and into the living room, about to head up the stairs when you hear another voice from the couch.

"Hey! Were you gonna say hello to us?" Josh asks, putting his hand on his chest pretending to be offended, followed by chuckles from JJ and Vik, who are sitting on the other couches.

"Yeah! But me first! I'm obviously the one she missed the most." JJ teases as he stands up from where he's sitting and approaches you. As he gets closer to you, he opens his arms wide and embraces you in a warm hug. Your frame fits perfectly in his, you being at the perfect height to rest your head on his chest. Feeling his heartbeat through his hoodie, you take in the heavenly smell of his cologne, before he pulls away, much too soon for your liking.

Trying to gather your thoughts again and fix your composure, you wander over to Josh and Vik and give them a hug each too, before continuing on your path up the stairs to see Talia and Freya.

"Girls?" You ask, knocking on the door of Simon's bedroom where you followed their voices down the hall.

"(Y/N)!" Talia and Freya squeal at the same time and jump up from Simon's bed, giving you a hug each. Once they let go and you enter the room more, you see a few outfits laid out on the floor.

"Ooooh what are these outfits for?" You ask, taking a seat next to them on the bed, glancing at each outfit laid out in front of you.

"We're trying to pick an outfit for Talia for the party." Freya tells you, without taking her eyes off the clothes on the floor.

"Party? What party?" You ask.

"The celebration party for when JJ confirms his fight date with Jake Paul!" Talia responds, acting like the answer was so obvious. You were surprised she didn't add a 'duh' on the end. You giggle in response.

" you're trying to decide on an outfit for a party for something that hasn't even happened yet?" You laugh out, Freya joining in with you.

"Hey!" Talia giggles. "You always have to be prepared!"

You hang out with the girls for a bit, pulling out a few more outfit options from the wardrobe that Talia might like. After a while, Talia decides she doesn't like anything, despite how many options she had from stuffing Simon's wardrobe with her own clothes.

"Ugh, I have nothing. We're gonna have to go shopping." She states, sounded defeated.

"Yay! Cause I'm gonna need something too." You respond, Freya agreeing with you about needing an outfit.

"Wooow, look who's on the 'planning-an-outfit-for-something-that-hasn't-happened-yet' bandwagon now." Talia teases while laughing and you throw a pillow at her playfully in response.

"No but seriously nothings been confirmed yet. What if it doesn't happen?" You ask the girls. Freya opens her mouth to respond but she's cut off by yelling boys downstairs, Talia stands up and opens the bedroom door to hear them better.

"No way, Jide! I'm so happy for you! This is gonna be mad." You hear Ethan saying downstairs. Shit, did you speak too soon?

It's not that you weren't happy for JJ, you wanted him to do what he loved, and that for him is training and being in the boxing ring. You just hated the very real thought of him getting badly hurt or something horrible happening to him in the ring. He was one of your best friends and the most important people in your life. You didn't want anything bad to happen to him.

You and the girls head out of Simon's bedroom, your curiosity killing you about what was going in downstairs. As you, Talia and Freya reach the bottom of the staircase, you see all of the boys surrounding JJ in the living room, giving him hugs and pats on the back.

"What's going on?" You ask the boys, all of them looking at you, then back to JJ with proud smiling faces, waiting to him to share the news to you and the girls.

"It's confirmed. September 17th. I'm fighting Jake Paul."


Hi guys! I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Let me know what you think🥰

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