Chapter 9

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*Your POV*

It's Saturday night and you're trying to retrace your steps of how you got here and how the girls ever got you to agree to going out.

You're in the bathroom, finishing your makeup, and you find yourself freaking out a little. You were really nervous about seeing JJ, and worried about how awkward it's going to be, but you were trying not to let it get to you.

After finishing your makeup, you head to your wardrobe and take out the dress you'd been planning to wear.

By the time you put your dress on, fixed your hair and taken a shot of some random liquor you found in your cabinet, the girls were texting you saying they were here to pick you up

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By the time you put your dress on, fixed your hair and taken a shot of some random liquor you found in your cabinet, the girls were texting you saying they were here to pick you up. You take another deep breath, and leave your apartment.

*Small time skip*

You step out of the Uber with the girls, and see Ethan waiting for you three outside the club. When he sees you coming, he walks up to you and meets you halfway.

"You guys look great! Come, the boys are already at the booth." Ethan tells you, giving you a hug and then taking your hand, leading you past the long line of people wanting to get into the club and straight past the bouncer, who he gives a handshake to before walking inside. The perks of being famous, I guess.

Ethan pulls you in front of him, and directs you to the secluded VIP booth they had booked in advance so the boys could get some privacy without being bombarded by fans. There's yet another security guard who allows you to step past him, and walk up the couple of steps up to the private booth. Ethan helps Freya and Talia up the steps as well before following them up.

You greet each one of the boys sitting around the square-shaped booth by giving them a hug. Then you get to JJ. You give him a polite smile, and he gives you one back, but it's evident you two aren't doing anything more than that to greet each other. You take a seat next to Harry on the end of the booth and he wraps his arm around your shoulders.

"What we drinkin', (Y/N/N)?" He asks you, gesturing to the table full of alcohol in front of him, and it's clear he's already pretty drunk. You tell him you want a Red Bull and vodka, and he starts pouring one out for you. Simon and Josh each make a drink for Talia and Freya, and soon, everyone is sitting around the booth, laughing about the party last weekend.

"Harry was so drunk he thought some random girl was his mum." Vik tries to get out in between laughs.

"Hey! You convinced me she was!" Harry says back to Vik, trying to defend himself, making the whole table erupt in laughter. You notice JJ repeatedly glancing over to you out of the corner of your eye, but you skilfully avoid meeting his gaze. You hadn't realised that Harry's arm was still resting around your shoulders, and you wondered if that was why JJ kept looking at you. Was he jealous?

"Enough stories about you idiots, I wanna dance!" Talia suddenly says, shooting up off the booth seating and grabbing yours and Freya's hands and pulling you out of the booth too, letting Harry's arm fall softly off your shoulders. "Come, come."

Among the free drinks from the VIP booth, the laughing, and the loud music in the club, you hadn't really realised yet how drunk you were until you stood up and tried to walk behind a slightly tipsy Talia towards the dance floor. However, between a few stumbles from all three of you, you finally make it.

You and the girls are dancing and having an amazing time when all of a sudden, your bladder feels like it's going to explode.

"I'm going pee!" You shout to the girls over the music.

"You want us to come?" Freya shouts back and you shake your head 'no'.

"I'll only be a minute." You tell her and head off towards the bathroom, among a few more stumbles.

You use the bathroom and when you come out, you lean your back and your head against the wall for a second, closing your eyes and needing to get yourself together a little bit. You were hoping that dancing with the girls would sober you up, but it seems to have done the opposite, and make you feel even more out of it.

"Need some help?" A strange voice says and you open your eyes and look at them. It's a tall-ish man with blonde hair and green eyes. You smile at him as he holds out his hand, gesturing for you to take it. You take his hand and he pulls you off the wall and helps you to keep your balance once you're standing by yourself again.

"Thank you." You slur out and he chuckles, still holding your hand in his.

"You wanna get a drink?" He asks and you nod, knowing you probably shouldn't, but distracted by how handsome and charming he was. He walks you to the bar and orders drinks for the both of you.

You turn around for a second as you're waiting for the bartender to make the drinks, trying to see if you can spot the girls in the crowd. After a few seconds, you give up trying and decide to just text them to let them know that you're okay. You pull out your phone, type out a quick text, and by the time you hit send, the cute guy hands you your drink.

"Thank you!" You tell the guy and he gives you a smile as you each take a sip of your drinks.

*JJ's POV*

"C'mon, Jide, at least try and look like you're having fun." Tobi tells me as I'm sitting in the booth, scrolling through my phone. The rest of the boys went to go dance or get more alcohol so it's just Tobi and I left at the booth for now. I told him what happened with (Y/N) a few days ago, because I know he'll keep it to himself, so he kind of understands the situation I'm in at the moment.

"I'm not really in the mood." I tell him and he gives me a sympathetic look. "It's hard seeing (Y/N) not giving a fuck about what happened and just getting on with her night while I'm stuck here thinking about it."

"JJ, she's drunk. She's probably been thinking about it too and just wanted to let loose tonight to get her mind off of it." Tobi tells me and I sigh. "Come, we're gonna go to the dance floor to meet up with the others."

"Tobi, I don't wanna do that."

"How else are you gonna get your mind off (Y/N)?" Tobi replies, standing up and dragging me to the dance floor.


Hiii! I've been starting to make the chapters a little longer so let me know what you think about it!

Thanks so much for reading as always!! 🤍🤍

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