Chapter 6

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*Your POV*

"There you are! We've been looking for you everywhere! Come on we're gonna truth or dare!" Talia says walking into the kitchen and scaring you and JJ to the point where you both jump, unfortunately making JJ jump away from you and back into an upright posture.

"Nah bruv, she's way too drunk for that." JJ quickly snaps out of his surprised state to tell her and gestures towards you.

"Come onnnn, don't be boring. Besides it's only the troops group that's still here. It'll be fun!" Talia tries to convince JJ but he doesn't seem to be thrilled with the idea. "At least come sit and hang out while we play." Talia adds and JJ reluctantly agrees and helps you off the stool, walking you to the living room where everyone has gathered on the couches.

The music in the room has been turned way down, but still loud enough for you to hear it in the background of the game.

You and JJ take a seat on the end of one of the couches and he protectively throws his arm around the back of the couch behind you.

"Okay...JJ. Truth or dare?" Simon starts the game and looks at JJ.

"Umm truth."

"What round are you gonna K.O Jake Paul in?" Simon says with a big smile on his face and JJ laughs.

"Round one, bruv, are you dumb?" JJ replies, making the rest of the room erupt in laughter, including yourself. Feeling more comfortable, you lean back on the couch, resting the back of your head on JJ's arm. "Aight, Randolph, truth or dare?" JJ alas and the game continues on for a while before it's Harry's turn to ask.

"(Y/N/N), truth or dare?" He slurs, evidently tipsy, with a smirk on his face, looking mischievous (but when does Harry not?)

"Dare!" You yell out, sitting up on the couch out of excitement of someone finally asking you.

"Nah, nah, she's too drunk." JJ jumps in protectively and Ethan agrees with him.

"No, I'm good!" You lie. You were still pretty drunk but you wanted to play so badly. Luckily, JJ and Ethan seem to believe your lie. "Ask me, Bog."

"Okay...hmmm..." Harry says acting like he's thinking. "I dare you to make out with the guy you fancy the most." Does he know about the way you've been feeling about JJ lately? Or is he just as drunk as you and doesn't really know what he's saying?

"Bog! I'm not watching my sister do that!" Ethan shouts and there's a couple of laughs around the room.

"Then close your eyes!" Harry replies, followed by more laughter from the group.

"Harry-" JJ starts but you cut him off.

"No let me do it! That's a good dare." You say, and JJ puts his hands up as mock surrender, giving up and just letting you do the dare. You look around the room, pretending as if you don't know who you fancy the most. You see Ethan shove his face in a pillow, clearly not wanting to know which one of his mates his little sister found attractive. You giggle at him, and once you're sure Ethan can't see anything, you turn to look at JJ, and before you can tell yourself out of it, you place on of your hands on the back of his neck and pull him in towards you.

The group 'whoops' and cheers as you place your lips on JJ's. He seems taken aback at first, but quickly softens into the kiss and becomes in sync with you. You feel one of his hands cup your cheek, and the other rest lightly on your waist. The rest of the group is still cheering you on and teasing Ethan for not being able to see what's going on, and as JJ's grip on your waist tightens and becomes more eager, you see this as a perfect opportunity to deepen the kiss. If Harry wants me to make out with someone, he's getting a make out.

You feel JJ's impatience and desire building up as his grip on your waist grows tighter again, and he pulls you slightly closer to him, clearly wanting more. Unwillingly, you decide this is a good time to pull away from him. Always gotta leave them wanting more.

The rest of the group finishes teasing Ethan, who looks like he's in hell, as your kiss with JJ ends, and the group gives you a couple more 'whoops' before Ethan decides it's safe to look up again.

"From the sounds I heard from you lot, I don't wanna know what the fuck just happened." Ethan says, looking around at the group, who can't help but laugh at him.

"Okaaayyy, but just so you know, it was a pretty steamy make out." Freezy teases Ethan once again, in a singsong voice., making Ethan shove his head back into the pillow.

You can feel JJ's gaze out of the corner of your eye, but you can't muster up the courage to look at him yet, so instead you laugh at Ethan with the rest of the group.

A few more rounds of truth or dare go on before everyone decides they're ready to go to sleep. A few of the troops decide to sleep on the couches and in one of the spare bedrooms for the night, while Randolph and Chip decide to get Ubers home.

You manage to sneakily make it most of the way to another spare bedroom where you'd be staying for the night (which was basically your bedroom by now for all the times you've stayed there), before JJ catches up with you. Damn. You were mostly sober now and had just started realising what actually happened during the game of truth or dare.

"Hey, uh...can we talk?" JJ asks you and you reluctantly nod and follow him to his bedroom so you don't bother the others who are trying to sleep. Once you're in his bedroom, and he closes the door behind you, the awkward silence is all that's left. "I just, um...thought maybe we should talk about...what happened before."

"It was just a dare, Jide, that's it." You lie and he furrows his eyebrows, looking confused.

"Was it? Because it didn't feel like it." He tells you, taking a step closer to you, forcing you to finally meet his eye contact.

"What did it feel like then?" You snap back, feeling uncomfortable with how vulnerable this conversation is getting, when you didn't even know what was going on yourself and why you suddenly felt this way towards someone you'd known for years and years.

"Forget it, (Y/N). Goodnight." JJ tells you, clearly frustrated by your lack of willingness to talk about the situation. He goes to move past you to get into bed but before he can, you grab his arm and hold him back, forcing him to stop walking away from you. At this point, due to you pulling him back, you're back where you were only a few hours ago, faces inches away from each other.

"What did it feel like then, JJ?" You ask him, with an attitude that you're not really sure came from. He gives you a frustrated look, refusing to answer the question, but also refusing to step away from you. You linger there for a few more seconds before JJ lets out a breath, and in one quick movement, snakes his arms around your waist and places his lips back onto yours.


This chapter was a bit longer I hope that's okay!! Again thank you so so so much for reading, it really means a lot to me!! 🩵

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