Chapter 7

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*Your POV*

You reach up and instinctively throw your arms around JJ's neck, and before you know it, you're being lifted up and walked over to JJ's bed. You put your legs around his waist as he lifts you up with ease, without breaking the kiss.

The kiss is hungry and feels like it's been long overdue for both of you. JJ eagerly puts you down on his bed, placing his hips in between your legs, and moving his hands up to grab yours, which are still around his neck. Once he has your hands in his, he removes them from his neck and pins them down on his bed, so you can't move them.

Once he has you exactly where he wants you, he breaks the kiss, breathing heavily and taking a moment to look at you underneath him. His eyes are full of impatience, and almost as if he can't resist himself, he leans back down to kiss your neck, leaving hot, intense kisses all over you. He slowly makes his way up to your ear, and kisses the gentle skin all the way up as he goes.

"Is this okay?" He asks softly. Overcome with pleasure from his body on top of yours, all you can manage to do is give him a nod of your head. "I need to hear it, (Y/N/N)."

"It's okay, JJ. I want this." You say to him and he moves his mouth from by your ear and places them back on yours, releasing your arms from his grip so you can snake them around his neck again. He deepens the kiss and you can feel his manhood growing through his pants on the inside of your bare thigh.

You grab the back of JJ's shirt and pull it up over his head, him breaking the kiss for a second so you can take it off for him, but his lips appear back on yours almost as fast as they disappeared.

All of a sudden, he pulls away from you, and you're instantly left feeling like something is missing, as the feeling of his lips on yours felt so natural to you.

"We can't do this." He decides, climbing off of you and standing up, his bare back facing towards you. You sit up in confusion and shock of his body being off of yours so quickly, and you see him rubbing his forehead with his hand and shaking his head to himself. "This is wrong. You're Ethan's younger sister. And you're drunk. Behz is gonna kill me."

"JJ, I'm not drunk. And I can make my own being Ethan's sister doesn't change anything." You tell him, pulling the sheet of his bed up to your chest, feeling vulnerable and a little insecure about his sudden realisation.

"No, it-it does, (Y/N). It changes everything. I can't do that to my best mate." JJ responds, seemingly still not having the courage to turn around and face you. "I'm...I'm sorry. We can't." He finishes and you scoff and roll your eyes, standing up out of his bed and pulling your dress down.

"Yeah, right then." Is all you have the strength to say, as you can feel the tears trying to escape your eyes. Quickly making your way back out into the hallway, you shiver at the coldness of the rest of the house. Or maybe it's just because you had another body right on you, keeping you warm.

Trying not to cry as you walk down the hallway, you walk faster and eventually reach the spare bedroom. You take off your dress and throw on some pyjamas and a jumper you stole from Ethan to keep you warm, and crawl into bed, eager to go to sleep and forget everything that happened tonight.

*Time skip to morning*

You groggily open your eyes and for a blissful moment, you forget what happened last night. Pretty quickly, the member of last night re-emerges in your brain and groan to yourself and roll back over, shoving a pillow on your head as an attempt to block out the sunlight coming through the curtains you forgot to close last night.

After a little longer in bed, you decide that you probably can't hide in the spare bedroom all day, and head downstairs to hopefully find the boys have cooked breakfast for everyone.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Simon greets you as you walk into the kitchen and plop yourself down on one the stools around the kitchen island. He's standing by the stove making pancakes and bacon for everyone. "You and JJ seemed like you had fun last night."

"What?" You ask, perking your head up. Does he know what you and JJ after the game last night?

"During truth or dare? Please tell me you were sober enough to remember that." He chuckles and you breathe out a quiet sigh of relief.

"Right, yeah." You mumble, and Simon seems like he's about to say something else about it, but luckily for you, Harry and Tobi walk into the kitchen.

"Aye, the drunk is finally awake!" Harry says enthusiastically when he sees you, and you roll your eyes to yourself, not really in the mood for his upbeat energy right now. Luckily, Harry doesn't see because he's too distracted by the food that Simon's making, and goes over to help.

"You alright?" Tobi asks, out of earshot of the other boys, as he sits down on the stool next to yours. He obviously notices the slightly sour expression on your face.

"Oh, yeah. Just tired I think." You lie and Tobi wraps one of his arms around your shoulders and pulls you into his side.

"You did have quite a big night last night." Tobi replies, and you force out a breathy laugh.

"Where's JJ?" You ask Tobi, hoping to find out where JJ is so you don't run into him.

"Oh, he went to meet his trainer. Ready to start getting ready for the fight I guess." Tobi tells you. Or he got out of the house the first chance he could get so he doesn't have to run into you either. "Hey...what was that between you two last night by the way?" Tobi asks softly, still making sure the others can't hear him.

"Nothing. Was just playing the game and doing the dare Harry gave me. That's all." You tell him, nonchalantly, and he gives you a look as if to say: 'I don't believe you,' so you quickly excuse yourself to get ready for the day before any more questions came your way.

How were you going to get out of this one?

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