Chapter 8

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*Your POV*

After taking a shower and getting dressed (by throwing on a pair of comfy sweats and an oversized shirt), you head back out into the hallway, beelining to find the girls to tell them about last night, but Ethan cuts off your path before you can.

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you about last night." Your big brother tells you, clearly feeling very uncomfortable and awakard. You silently curse him for getting in your way, as you were desperately feeling the need to tell someone about what happened between you and JJ before you explode. "I-I know it was JJ who you kissed. I just wanted to ask if...well if it was okay? You were pretty drunk and I don't like the idea of him kissing you, let alone taking advantage of you, you know, if you didn't really know what you were doing."

"Eeth, it's okay. I was drunk, but I was sober enough to know what was going on." Maybe a little too much. "JJ didn't take advantage of me. I'm okay." You reply to Ethan before smiling and pulling him into a hug.

"Okay, okay, good. I just wanted to double check." Ethan says, seemingly relaxing a little, and you reach up to give him a kiss on the cheek before you continue on your mission to find the girls.

You find Freya in Josh's room, and Talia in Simon's room, and call an emergency meeting with both of them. You take both of the girls back to the spare bedroom (that's basically yours) and fill them in.

"He did WHAT?" Talia yells and you quickly step towards her to cover her mouth with your hand. Ethan and the boys knowing about the kiss during truth or dare was bad enough, you didn't even want to imagine what their reactions would be if they knew what you did with JJ after the game.

"Shhh, I don't want any of the guys to know, especially not Ethan." You tell them and take your hand off Talia's mouth.

"Oh god, Ethan would kill JJ if he knew about that." Freya chimes in, the shock of the news about the events in JJ's bedroom last night still evident on her face. "I just can't believe he'd lead you on and then kick you out like that. What a prick."

"Right! He's the one who kissed you first in his room!" Talia says, agreeing. "What are you going to do about it?"

"I'm not sure. It's obvious JJ doesn't wanna talk about it because I think he's avoiding me..." You tell the girls and they simultaneously roll their eyes.

"He's never been too good at facing his problems that one." Freya says and you and Talia giggle.

"I think I'm just gonna head back to mine. I don't really want to be here when JJ gets back." You tell the girls and they nod sadly, hug you goodbye and leave you to gather your stuff.

Once you're sure you have everything, you pick up your bag that you brought last night knowing you'd be staying over, and start walking down the hallway, down the stairs, and into the living room. After a quick goodbye to the guys, you head out the front door, closing it behind you. You go to turn around and come face to face with someone's chest.

"Shit, sorry." He mumbles and you step back and look up to see who you just ran in to. Shit. Of course it's JJ. Still pissed off and not really wanting to talk to him, you ignore him and side step around him to continue walking away. Unsurprisingly, he doesn't say anything, and leaves you to go home.

*Time skip to a few days later*

"Come onnnn, you have to come!" Freya whines to you over FaceTime. You're on a three-way call with her and Talia. The girls are trying to convince you to go out clubbing with them and the boys this weekend.

"I dunno. I'm not too keen to see JJ." You reply, looking down at your phone as you cook dinner.

You haven't been over to the Sidemen house since the party on Saturday, and although Ethan and a few of the guys have messaged you asking if you're okay, you didn't feel completely comfortable going back over there yet. It was normal for you to go over there almost every day or every second day, but now it's Thursday and you haven't had the courage to go back over there yet.

"That's exactly why you should come! Show him what he's missing." Talia says and jokingly winks to the camera, making you and Freya laugh. "Plus, he can't even drink because of his training so he'll probably get bored and leave early, if he even comes at all."

"But-" You start but Freya cuts you off.

"Nope! No 'buts'! You're coming I've just decided for you." She tells you and you're silent for a few seconds, trying to play out all the things that could go wrong in your head, but you also missed the girls and hadn't had a chance to go out clubbing with the rest of the boys for such a long time because of their busy schedules. You decided you weren't going to let JJ ruin this for you.

"Okay, I'm in."

Hey! I know it's been a while since I've updated so I hope you guys are still interested in reading hahaha

I'd love to know your thoughts so far!

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