Chapter 5

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*Your POV*

"(Y/N/N)!" You're cut off once again from your thoughts as Freezy and Callux walk into the kitchen, followed by Harry and Vik.

"Hey Callums." You tease them and they jokingly roll their eyes, knowing that's what you call them when they're together. They give you a hug each and then join Harry and Vik in making themselves a drink. You wait for them to finish, then head back out to the living room with them. You all hang out for a while, and soon enough, the party fills up with people, some you know, but a lot you don't. Must be JJ's friends.

You're hanging out with Chris (or as he's better known, ChrisMD), Theo Baker, and Deji and you can't lie, you're feeling the alcohol a bit. You've had a couple drinks and you're feeling pretty tipsy. Chris, Theo and Deji are teasing you for not being able to stand up straight without wobbling or stumbling by taking turns lightly nudging you, causing you to have to regain your balance. You're laughing with them and this little game they've invented with you when Ethan comes over.

"Okay, okay, enough bullying my little sister." He chuckles. "I have to be a big brother now and sober her up."

"Nooooo, Eeth. I'm fine!" You whine and Ethan laughs at you trying to pretend to be sober.

"Okay...prove it." He pauses and looks around, setting eyes on JJ standing a couple of metres away with his back to you both. "If you can walk in a straight line to JJ without stumbling, I'll let you keep drinking."

"Fine, but be prepared to lose this bet." You sassily tell him and Ethan smirks, knowing there's no way you can make it to JJ without stumbling. You stand with one foot directly in front of the other, ready to start walking as Ethan, Chris, Theo, and Deji watch eagerly to see how this goes.

Using all of the (little) focus you have left, you keep your eyes on your feet and slowly start walking, placing one foot in front of the other. You feel yourself wobbling a bit but you manage to make it most of the way without actually stumbling.

You look up to see how close you are to JJ, and see him about a metre or two away, his back still facing you...talking to another girl. You can't help but feel your face drop and you completely forget what you're doing, making you lose your balance and stumble sideways. You hear the boys chuckling behind you and you roll your eyes, frustrated that you 'let' Ethan win by being distracted by JJ and some stupid girl.

You didn't even know why it was suddenly bothering you so much. You've seen him talking and flirting to so many girls and you've never cared. But something lately felt different with JJ, and you promised yourself you'd figure it out later, when you were sober.

"Okay, that's good enough for me, come on, (Y/N/N)." Your hear Ethan say as he walks up behind you and throws his arm around your waist, letting you lean on him for support. For some reason, although you're aware that Ethan's talking to you, you can't seem to take your eyes off JJ, only finally being forced too once Ethan starts walking you towards the kitchen.

"Eeth, I'm fine. I'm not that drunk." You try to reassure him but fail miserably because you can't help but slur your words. Ethan breathes out a laugh and walks over to the sink to start filling up a cup with water.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Great. Now JJ's here. "I saw you leaning on Behz, are you good?" He continues and you turn to face him.

"Oh my god, I'm fineeeee." You slur and JJ shakes his head and helps you over to a stool that's sitting around the kitchen island. Ethan comes back over with your water and gives you a look as if to say: 'you better drink this.' You sit down on the stool and JJ places his hand on your lower back to make sure you don't fall backwards.

Just as you start sipping your water, you hear Tobi calling Ethan's name from the other room, and he groans and goes to see what Tobi wants.

"I'll be right back. JJ can you..." Ethan starts but doesn't finish as JJ is already nodding, knowing Ethan wants him to look after you until he's back. You and JJ sit in silence for a few seconds while you sip your water, before the alcohol im your system decides it's a good idea to say something dumb.

"I'm really okay, JJ. You can go back to that girl you wanna hook up with." You slur again and then widen your eyes when you realise what you've just said. Out loud. Luckily, it seems like JJ chalks up your comment to the state you're currently in, because he chuckles.

"(Y/N/N), I'm not trying to hook up with her. She's just a friend." He tells you softly, his hand never leaving your lower back. You simply just nod in respond and thankfully, JJ changes the subject. "Now, drink your water before Ethan comes in here and yells at me for not getting you to finish the whole cup."

You sit in another silence, and somehow even over the loud music and the sound of people talking and laughing, you can still hear JJ's soft breathing beside you.

"Are you nervous for your fight with Jake?" You ask him and he looks down at you with a thoughtful expression.

"A little. I'm more nervous that after all the work I know I'm gonna put in, that the result ends up being something I didn't want. It's like all that work goes to waste." He tells you honestly, and once again your alcohol-influenced thought process decides to say something else without thinking.

"At least you'll look fit. Not that you don't already." You say, and once again, JJ chuckles, obviously not thinking anything of it because of how close of friends you guys are.

"Jesus how much alcohol have you had?" He laughs and takes your now-empty cup to the sink to refill it with water. The unexpected release of his hand leaving your lower back almost makes you topple backwards off the stool, but you manage to save yourself by holding onto the kitchen island.

Although you manage to save yourself, JJ's quick reflexes come into action and he's suddenly standing behind you, both hands on your waist to stabilise you. He's so close that you can feel his strong chest on your back, and the smell of his cologne radiating off his skin.

"Or maybe I just stay over here and make sure you don't stumble to your death." He jokes softly, abandoning his plan to get you more water. You spin yourself around on the stool so that you're facing him, and his hands move from on your waist to either side of your thighs, using the sides of the seat-part of the stool to lean on. He's almost acting as a barrier so you don't fall sideways, as your back is now resting on the kitchen island. "Are you gonna be okay?" He asks you in a low tone, his face just inches away from yours.

You've never been so tempted in your life to kiss someone. Although you still couldn't figure out why you had this desire all of a sudden.


Hope you're enjoying the story hehe I'm having SO much fun writing it xxx

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