Chapter 10

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*Your POV*

You're on the dance floor with a drink in one hand, and the nice, blonde guys' hand in the other. You're both laughing and singing along to the lyrics of the song, honestly having the time of your life, when he leans in to your ear so you can hear him over the loud music.

"I never got your name." He tells you and goosebumps run up your arm as you feel the warmth from his body.

"(Y/N), what's yours?" You ask.

"Jordan." He replies as he leans in to your ear again, pushing your hair out of the way as he does so.

*JJ's POV*

Tobi has dragged me out to dance and I'm actually having more fun than I expected. We're dancing to the music with Talia, Freya, Simon, Josh and Vik when I look up for a split second and catch a glimpse of (Y/N) and some random guy. I do a double-take, making sure I'm seeing what I'm seeing.

I know I cut things off with (Y/N), but I feel a tinge of jealousy wave over my whole body as I watch her and the guy inch closer and closer together, laughing about something he said.

*Your POV*

You find yourself naturally gravitating more towards Jordan as the music plays. You've managed to completely take your mind off of JJ and the awkwardness you were worried about feeling at the start of the night.

You slowly move closer to Jordan again, still holding one of his hands as you dance with him, your drink in the other, ever so slightly glancing at his lips every few seconds. He seems to notice and gives you a small but reassuring smile. Just as you begin to lean in closer to him, you feel a hand on your lower back. Spoke too soon.

"We need to talk." You hear JJ say in your ear, sounding serious, as he keeps his eyes locked on Jordan.

"Um...not now." You tell him, turning your head to look up at him standing next to you. You give him the eyes as if to say 'please fuck off', but he seems to completely disregard it.

"Yes, now." JJ replies, looking you dead in the eyes.

"It's okay, I can wait." Jordan butts in, giving you a warm smile and you sigh and angrily walk away to talk to JJ, him hot on your tail. You quickly down your drink and walk back over to the private booth.

"What the fuck do you want?" You ask in a harsh tone as JJ looks down at you, seemingly unaffected by your attitude.

"Can we leave?" JJ says after a second and you furrow your eyebrows together.

"What? Leave where?" You ask, confused.

"Home. I'm sick of it here." He answers, making you even more confused.

"This is what you pulled me away for? I was having a good time, JJ." You tell him, rubbing your forehead and looking down, more confused and frustrated than angry at this point.

"I'm not. I can't watch that shit." JJ tells you, gesturing back towards the dance floor. "And I want to leave. With you."

"JJ...that's not fair. You're the one who--" You start but JJ cuts you off by suddenly placing his lips on yours and cupping your face in his hands. The kiss is long enough for you to melt into his body, but short enough to leave you more confused than ever.

"Come with me. Please?" He asks, pulling away and placing your foreheads together, all without moving his hands from your face.

"You can't do this, JJ. You can't just decide you 'want' me when you see me with someone else." You say, pulling away from him. "You're the one who didn't want this." You tell him, mentally cursing yourself in your head for not just going home with him, but also congratulating yourself for standing up for yourself.

"Only because of Ethan. I want this. I want you."

"Do you want me because you want me, or do you want me because you don't want someone else to have me?" You ask him and he sighs, looking sad.

"Because I want you. I can't get you out of my head and it's driving me fucking insane not being able to have you." He replies, and just as you're about to give in to him, the rest of the group comes back to the booth.

"We were looking for you guys! Where'd you go?" Harry asks as he walks up the steps and flops down on the booth seating.

"Just needed a breather." You tell Harry, giving him a stiff smile which he seems to notice, but Talia speaks up before he can say anything about it.

"That guy was fit, (Y/N/N)! You crack on with him?" She asks, throwing her arm around your shoulders and sipping her drink. Out of the corner of your eye, you see JJ subtly roll his eyes and take a seat on the opposite side of Harry.

"Uh—" You start to say, suddenly feeling dizzy and confused.

"Ew, man, I don't wanna know. To see you dancing with him was gross enough." Ethan chimes in, making everyone laugh, except JJ.

"Come on let's keep dancing!" A drunk Talia says and drags an exhausted looking Harry, Josh, Freya and Simon with her back to the dance floor.

All of a sudden, your head starts spinning and you feel lightheaded. You just about fall down to sit back in the booth, lean your elbows on the table and place your hands on the sides of your temples, trying to gather yourself.

"Oh, shit. You okay (Y/N/N)?" Tobi asks you, noticing your current state.

"Yeah, I...I just..." You trail off and Tobi goes from standing to kneeling down beside you on the side of the booth seating.

"Vik, get her some water." Tobi says to a standing Vik who nods and rushes off. Tobi carefully removes your hands from your face and lifts up your chin to get you to look him in the eyes. "Are you just drunk or is this something else?" Tobi asks softly.

All you can muster is a shrug and Tobi carefully slides you over in the booth seating so he can sit next to you. He takes your hand in his and softly pushes your head to rest on his shoulder. By now, JJ and Ethan have come over and look just as worried as Tobi.

"Tobi, what's happening?" Ethan asks knowing you can't talk, evidently stressed and not knowing what to do to help.

"I dunno, I've seen her drunk heaps of times and she's never been like this." Tobi responds and you feel his thumb rub your hand comfortingly, without letting go. "Did she take a drink from someone?"

"I-I think I saw that guy she was dancing with hand her a drink." JJ replies worriedly, and all the guys take their eyes off you to look at each other as they realised what's happened.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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