Chapter 4

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*Your POV*

The next few days fly by and before you know it, it's Friday, the day you planned to go out shopping with the girls for an outfit to wear to JJ's party tomorrow night.

You're a little late because you had some work to do at home, so you decided to meet them at the mall. You walk in to the store they said they were at over the phone, and you see Freya looking at a beautiful black dress.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Is this the vibe for tomorrow night you reckon?" She asks and you take the dress out of her hands and inspect it.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Is this the vibe for tomorrow night you reckon?" She asks and you take the dress out of her hands and inspect it

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(A/N: Freya's dress)

"Yes, you would look so good in this! You have to try it on. Josh will lose his mind when he sees you in this." You tell her with a playful nudge and she giggles and rushes off to try it on. Suddenly, Talia emerges from the fitting room next to the one Freya went into.

"Oh, thank god, I need some help!" Talia says when she sees you, grabbing both your hands and pulling you into her fitting room. "What do we think?"

 "What do we think?"

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(A/N: Talia's dress)

"Love it! This is definitely the one for tomorrow night!" You tell her and she squeals and gives you a hug.

"Now we just need to find something for you!" Talia responds.

"Yay! I'll have a look around." You tell her and leave the fitting room so she can get changed again. You walk around the store but don't really see anything that catches your eye. Suddenly, you hear Talia calling you over and you wander back over to the fitting room.

"You have to try this on!" Talia tells you,now standing outside the fitting room, back in her usual clothes. She holds up a dress for you that she had tried on, and you instantly fall in love. "This is so you!"

"I love it! I'll try it on." You respond and take the dress out of her hands and head into the fitting room Talia just came out of. While you're getting changed, you hear Freya talking to Talia about how much she loved the black dress, and that she's going to buy it. You finish putting on the dress and look at yourself in the full-length mirror, doing a spin and approving of yourself before unlocking the door and stepping out to show the girls.

 You finish putting on the dress and look at yourself in the full-length mirror, doing a spin and approving of yourself before unlocking the door and stepping out to show the girls

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(A/N: Your dress)

"Okay, if you don't buy that, I'm buying it for you." Freya says with a giggle. "It looks amazing on you!"

"(Y/N)!!" Talia squeals, probably a little too loud because the store assistant looked over with a concerned look on her face. "That's the one. Buy it. Now." She demands and you and Freya laugh.

"Okay, okay, if you insist." You joke, already knowing that there's no way you're leaving the store without this dress.

*Time skip*

You and the girls are getting ready for the party upstairs in Simon's room (which seemed to be your hangout spot since it was one of the bigger bedrooms). Downstairs, you hear music and the boys loudly talking and laughing about something. They had already started drinking so you and the girls were trying to finish getting ready as soon as possible so you could catch up.

You were a bit nervous about the party. You didn't like a lot of attention, something that probably started with being one of the Sidemen boys' younger sisters. You tried to stay offline and not read comments as much as possible, but sometimes you couldn't resist and ended up reading some
pretty nasty things about yourself, considering you used to be in Ethan's videos a lot growing up.

You and Ethan used to make videos for fun to show your mum, who loved them, but when he decided it was something he wanted to do career-wise and he started amassing thousands and thousands of followers and subscribers, and the horrible comments started coming in, you removed yourself from being a part of his videos.

You take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down, and finish the final touches on your makeup. Once you have checked the mirror and approved of how you look, you leave the girls to finish their looks, and head to Ethan's room to grab your sneakers. You were never much of a heels type of girl.

Once you've decided you're ready, you head back out into the hallway where coincidentally, the girls are just leaving Simon's room as well.

"How hot do we look?" Talia giggles and gives a sassy flick of her hair before heading down the stairs.

The boys had spent all day setting up to make sure it was a good party for JJ, and it was obvious how much time went into it. There were party lights everywhere, meaning the main lights could be turned off to give the house more of a 'party vibe', there were speakers in every corner of the room, and the boys had also made sure to put out plenty of bottles of alcohol, enough for all of the people coming (which by the sheer amount of red solo cups and liquor, seemed like quite a lot).

As you reach the bottom of the stairs, the boys notice you all, except Tobi who's trying to make sure everything looks nice, and Josh and Simon make sure to come over to Freya and Talia and tell them how beautiful they looked. You smile to yourself as you overhear the boys being so sweet to their girlfriends, and how no one really gets to see this side of them online.

You leave the girls to Simon and Josh, and head into the kitchen, ready to chug back some liquid courage and start the night off. You grab a red cup and starting mixing up a concoction of spirits and over the music, you almost don't hear JJ coming up behind you.

"Damn, someone's tryna get fucked up." He chuckles and you turn around to him and giggle.

"I'm gonna need it." You mumble under your breath while taking a sip of your alcohol soup and JJ furrows his eyebrows and takes a step closer to you.

"What'd you say? These pricks gotta the music down." He jokes, and your breath catches in your throat as he leans in closer, bringing his ear closer to your face to hear you.

"I-I said-" You start but are cut off by loud cheers coming from the living room. JJ stands up and looks over his shoulder.

"I think more people are here, I'll be right back." He tells you and gives you a slight touch on your arm before walking out of the kitchen.

What is going on?! It's just JJ, you've known him forever. Why is he making you feel like this?


Thank you so much for reading! Pleaseeee let me know what you think of the reference photos! Do you like them or would you prefer for me not to do them?🩵

Thanks again!!

- Morgan xx

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