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Louis made his way upstairs, already hearing his neighbours' arguments. The walls of that building were paper thin. However, he didn't have the money to afford anything better at the moment.

Once he entered his place, he kicked off his vans, looking over his little place. It was pretty depressing there, but Louis tried to think positive.

He smiled at the sight of his smaller bed, an old tv across from it and a really small kitchen counter without an oven. But he still had a cooker and a microwave. The other room was a really tiny bathroom.

He tried to keep his smile on as he approached his mini fridge. He opened it to see that there wasn't much to choose from. He sighed as he took out the cheese.
"I can always make toasts." he looked for the rest of his bread. He could make three toasts with all that bread.
Louis laid the bread out on the counter, also getting a bag of tea.
Enjoying a cuppa with a movie was his favourite thing to do after work.
He loved those little moments that he could enjoy, even though there wasn't many of them. Sometimes he saved enough money to treat himself to a take out meal or to buy his favourite brand of tea.

Louis was working late one night, feeling absolutely exhausted. He worked as a cleaner at one company. When he was finally done with everything, he headed to his room in order to change. After that he went straight to the elevator, pressing the button. When the door of the elevator opened, he was surprised to see an employee in there.
"Good evening." Louis greeted politely.
"Good evening." the other guy said back, his voice not as cold as Louis expected it to be.
"Working late?" Louis turned his head in the guy's direction.
"Yeah. Today was busy." he gave him a nervous smile.
"Same." the green eyed guy smiled back.
The elevator began to go down again. They just stood next to each other, waiting for the display to show number 0. But then all of a sudden the elevator shook and stopped moving. They both looked around nervously, waiting whether it was going to start moving again.
Louis stared at the display which still showed number 6.

"It seems like we are stuck." the green eyed guy frowned.
Louis didn't like that. He always hated the thought of getting stuck in an elevator.
"No, we can't be." he tried pressing the button for the door to open, but they stayed closed.
He began to panic which the other guy had noticed.
"Hey." he made Louis look at him.
The guy slowly pressed the emergency button that was at the very bottom.
"It's okay. They will come save us soon." Louis couldn't help but stare at the other guy, who was staring directly into his eyes. He felt all tingly under his stare and he didn't like that.
"Okay." he turned to the side, sitting down. He felt like if he stood for some more he could faint. The other guy walked over to him, sitting right beside him.
"My name's Harry by the way. What's yours?" the green eyed guy glanced at the blue eyed one.
Louis took his eyes to him for only a split of a second.
"I'm Louis." he said while playing with his hands.

"I really needed this after a whole day of filling in forms and signing papers." he sighed.
Louis didn't know much about the positions in this company, but he was well aware that Harry had a higher position. He seemed like he had money and he was coming from the upper floor. Upper floors were for the higher positions.
Louis just nodded.

"What position are you at?" was the next thing Harry asked. Louis felt embarrassed. He looked away, feeling like Harry was going to judge him hard.
"I am a cleaner here. I clean the lower floors." he fixed his eyes on his knees.
"So, that's why we have never met before." hearing this honestly surprised the shorter brunette.
"Yeah." he nodded.
"Well, now we have met so let's get to know each other a bit. If you don't mind of course." Louis leaned against the elevator.
"That sounds good." he actually calmed down, looking over to Harry.

"So, do you have a favourite musician?" Harry leaned against the elevator as well, his eyes glued to the brunette next to him.
"I do have a favourite band. Do you like Arctic Monkeys?" Louis answered.
"Yeah, they have good music. My personal favourite is Taylor Swift." Louis didn't expect to hear that.
"So, you are a pop person?" Louis asked, genuinely being curious.
"Yeah, that's me." Harry smiled, showing off his dimples to the blue eyed boy for the first time.
Louis could only stare, feeling knots form in his belly. He couldn't deny that Harry was really attractive.

"You are a rock person, right?" Harry didn't have to even ask, but he did anyway.
"Yes, I am." Louis chuckled.
"What do you like other than rock music?" Harry asked next.
Louis frowned as he thought for a moment. His head began to hurt slightly. However, he didn't have any pills on him. He needed to take them as soon as possible though, before the headache could get any worse.

"I am obsessed with movies and tv series."
"What's your favourite movie?" Harry proceeded to ask next.
"That's a hard one. I really like Venom. Have you seen it?" Harry's brows furrowed as he thought.
"I don't think I have. I have heard about it before though."
"I might just give it a shot then." Harry smiled at Louis, losing himself in his eyes.
They were so bloody beautiful, those oceans of his.

Louis couldn't remember the last time he had talked to a person like this. They shared stuff about one another and also talked about some random topics. Then their rescuers finally arrived.
Louis was relieved when he stepped outside of the elevator. Harry on the other hand was hoping to spend more time with Louis. He was disappointed the rescuers came so early.
"Thank you for keeping me company in there. I wouldn't have stopped panicking if it wasn't for you." Louis told him.
"No need to thank me. It was nice talking to you." Harry said, giving Louis a smile.
"Was nice talking to you too. See you around. Good night."

Harry just opened his mouth a couple of times, watching as Louis left the building. He was about to ask for his number at least, but the little brunette didn't give him a chance. He sighed to himself.
"See you around, Louis." he was well aware that to see him again, he would need the best of luck. Louis could be working anywhere during the day. The building was huge, full of offices and people. Harry would have to wait at the entrance door for hours if he wanted to see him.

Hi beautiful people!
I am here with a new story. I have been working on this one for about three weeks or so. It would make me really happy if you gave me feedback in the comments. I hope you will like this story as much as I do. Also tried something completely knew with the cover. I am not that sure about it, but yeah. Do you like the cover?

The period before Christmas is always harder for everyone, so I hope you all will get through it well. If you don't feel well and want to talk about anything, you can always just send a message.

Love you all x T

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