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It was late in the evening. They were lying together on the couch, surrounded by all those balloons that Harry had put up for Louis' birthday party. Louis loved how it looked. He enjoyed that day really much, even though another headache made it's way into his life once again in the afternoon.

Louis had a weird feeling inside of his head that he had never felt before. He slowly tugged on Harry's hoodie.
Immediately, Harry shifted his gaze from the screen to his boyfriend.

"What's up?" Harry smiled at him. Louis could only stare at him as he tried to tell him. He wanted to tell him at least something.
"H-" that made Harry feel a tiny bit of hope. Louis said a letter.
"H-arry." he managed to say his boyfriend's name. Even though he said it so quietly Harry heard it really well.
"Yeah, baby?" Louis couldn't say anything else. He couldn't manage that but at least he managed to say his lover's name. He noticed how happy that made Harry. He wished he could make him even happier, but talking was too hard, way too hard...

They went to bed around ten, Louis snuggling close to Harry as per usual. Harry could feel he was shivering all over.
"I know what you'd say love. You'd say that I am all warm." Louis smiled weakly. Yeah, he would have said that if he could.

"I love you." Harry placed a peck into his hair.
"I hope you know that, love." the curly one rasped tiredly.

"I am so glad I met you all this time back. I am glad I found my other half." Louis couldn't help but feel the tears form in his eyes. He moved to look up at Harry in order to give him a kiss.
Harry closed his eyes, kissing Louis back while holding him around his waist.
The younger one pulled away from him, giving Harry a smile.

"Let's sleep?" Louis noticed how tired Harry seemed.
He nodded to that, watching as Harry turned off the light.
"Good night, my love. Sleep tight." he pressed another peck into Louis' hair before they went to sleep.

Harry was the first one to fall asleep that night. Louis was trying to fight sleep off, because a tiny part of him knew something that the bigger rest of him didn't. He wanted to be with Harry, but he didn't want to wake him up, so he just watched him sleep. Even though he didn't remember every moment that they had shared together, he still remembered. He remembered how Harry and him met in that elevator one night. It was the first time their souls began to connect.

'I love you, Harry.' Louis thought. He wished he could say it to the green eyed boy aloud, but that wasn't quite possible, so the thought of it had to be enough. Eventually, Louis fell asleep. It was a peaceful sleep. He passed away in Harry's arms later that night. All of that pain drifted away from him at once. Everything around him stopped and he stayed in that very moment forever. He was forever asleep in Harry's arms.

When Harry woke up the next morning, he could feel that Louis was still tightly cuddled into his side,but he was really, really cold.
"You are cold, love." Harry noticed that Louis' chest wasn't rising up and down as it was supposed to.
"Baby?" Harry sat up to look at Louis' face. His face was as still as a stone, not a single lash had fluttered.

He finally realized that Louis had passed away in his arms that very night. He wasn't going to wake up.
"Love?" even though Harry knew it wasn't going to make him magically come back, he still felt like he had to try.

Harry hadn't felt a pain like that in his entire life. Tears began to roll down his cheeks as he sobbed loudly.
Losing Louis hurt that much he couldn't put it into words even if he tried. He lost someone so dear to his heart. He lost his soulmate.
He felt so many feelings at once. He was so freaking devastated, but at the same time relieved that Louis didn't have to put up with his illness anymore.

At the end of the day, he just hoped that Louis found his peace up there, in the clouds.
"Rest easy, my angel." Harry reached out to caress Louis' head. He looked peaceful and Harry hoped that he was feeling at peace as well.
"I will always love you." he smiled down at him through the tears before he got up from the bed. He got his phone from the desk and left the room. He had to make that call right then and there.

Harry was once looking for something in the wardrobe, when he accidentally found something in between Louis' clothes. It was the first Polaroid photo of him and Louis. It was the one from the trip they went to. He was so happy he found it because he thought it got lost.

There was something written down at the bottom which wasn't there before.
'You are my favourite memory' was written there. It was Louis' handwriting. Louis had left that there for him on purpose. Harry was sure about that.

During the upcoming few days Harry kept finding little things hidden around the flat. He realized that Louis had managed to somehow hide them around. He had no idea when he did that or how he didn't notice straight away, but he was glad Louis put those notes around the flat.

The other day he was making dinner. He decided to make a lasagna, because Louis quite enjoyed that meal. He liked to do the things they had done together while Louis was still alive. He noticed a note on the inside of one of the drawers. He took it out to take a look at it.
It said: 'You made my life better'. Reading that made Harry shed a tear. He was thankful for having the opportunity to make Louis' life at least a tiny bit better.

Harry kept going to their park for walks, kept going to the same kebab place, and kept listening to Louis' favourite band.

It was yet another evening...
Evenings were always tougher for Harry to deal with. He was sitting in his bed while journaling. He decided to start after Louis had passed away. He thought it could help him grieve.

He noticed there was something inside of the lamp on his bedside table. He took it out to see another handwritten note from Louis.
It said: 'Don't cry. Everything is okay. Keep your dimples on display. (they are beautiful) x L'.
The green eyed guy lost it, starting to cry. He cried a lot everyday, but he knew it was okay. Who wouldn't cry? It was a natural response to what had happened.

One of the last notes Harry had found was in the shoe rack. It wasn't really a small note. This one was longer.
It said: 'I hope you will find happiness again after I am gone. I don't want you to be sad. I want you to live life to the fullest, do the craziest things you can think of... because really... you have just one life. Live life for the both of us<3'. The little heart at the end of the message made Harry's eyes water.

The other day he managed to find the second Polaroid picture they took together in between the dvd's.
There was a little note at the bottom as well, but the handwriting wasn't as clear. That meant Louis had prepared those notes for Harry a longer while back. This note however had to be more recent. At the bottom of the picture was written: 'Miss you x L'.

And then, even though it seemed like Harry had discovered everything, there was one last note which was hidden in the second drawer of his desk.
It said: 'Love. Always thought I wouldn't get the chance to find real love. I was wrong. Our love is beautiful, magical... nothing can beat what we have. I am forever thankful that universe kept us together in that lift all those months back. I am forever grateful for being able to love somebody as pure as you. I love you, Harry Styles. I will continue to love you forever.'

Harry gathered all these notes and put them into an envelope on which he wrote this: 'The memory of you.'

Hi, my stars. You have come to the end of this story. I don't know how many times I have started crying over working on this chapter. I hope you still liked this chapter and the whole story.

Look after yourselves.
I love you x

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