Incorrect Quotes With Friends

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Lemon: Please say words of encouragement to me so I don't murder someone right now.

Crystal: There are no books in prison.

Lemon: *sighs* Thank you.


Tuewenn, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here.

Sunny: Hey.

Crystal: Hi.

Crescent Moon: Hello.

Coke: Hey!

Tuewenn: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only!

Lemon: We were out of Doritos.


Orangey: Oh, they left the bowl out?

Orangey: It says, "Take two pieces of candy."

Crystal: Nobody around though...

*Crystal grabs the entire bowl and runs off with it*

Orangey: NO-

------------------------------(I would do that tho-)----------------------------------

Coke: I bet you can't make a sentence without the letter "A"!

Crystal: You thought you just did something there, didn't you? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the first letter of the English lexicon.

Lemon: Fluff you.


Coke: Crystal? What are you doing here?

Crystal, wearing a hawaiian shirt, sunglasses and holding a gatorade: My best.


*when the Squad drops food*

Lemon: Eh, oh well.


Coke: Fluff!

Sunny: *just gets more food*

Osc Fan: *drops to their knees and mourns the food*

Orangey: *eats the food off the ground*


Crystal: Sunny, how could you possibly have gotten into this much trouble in one day?

Sunny: It... It didn't take me the whole day...


Crystal: I'm doing my best.

Lemon: You're not doing anything.

Crystal: Yes, that's what I'm best at.


Lemon: My gender is in a constant state of flux.


Tuewenn: Well, has Crystal been wrong before?

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