Art Contest!

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So basically, there's a fanfic about a certain FTM (Find the Markers) ship that I wanted to write 

And I thought, "For the cover, why not change it up a bit and have an art contest for it?"

(Also I dunno how to draw Serenity Marker and Zen Marker-)

So yeah, I'm hosting an art contest for the cover of the story!

Here's what Serenity and Zen look like:

Zen Marker:

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Serenity Marker:

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Basically, the fanfic is about Serenity missing Zen and trying to find them again since y'know

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Basically, the fanfic is about Serenity missing Zen and trying to find them again since y'know

They're best friends

(And I ship em- I mean it's literally a Zenity fanfic)


Size must be 518 x 800


You're not required to add Zen, but Serenity is required

Max of 20 participants because of the 20 images per story limit

Due date is whenever I finish the first chapter

I'll be rating them based on 4 categories;

Background - Out of 25

Creativity - Out of 25

Artstyle - Out of 25

Bonus - Out of 25


Participation - I will call you cool :)

3rd - You can be in the story if 2nd or first doesn't wanna be

2nd - Fanart of your Markersona (Or objectsona if you don't have one, which most people probably don't because I first thought of it literally 1 minute ago lol) and you can be in the story if 1st doesn't wanna be

1st - Your submission will be the cover of the story, you get fanart of your Markersona/Objectsona and you get first chance at being in the story if you want to be!

So uh, yeah! Good luck and have fun!

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