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Ron, hermione, and Harry had just entered 4th year. The boys hair had been longer than ever and hermione made sure to mock that about it.

"Blimey, do you two not believe in haircuts anymore" she giggled

"Long story" the boys said almost like they were synchronized

"NEXT STOP, HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF MAGIC AND WIZARDRY" The conductor said loud in an almost excited tone.

"Welp, this is us" exclaimed Hermoine

The golden trio in all their glory walked into their second home.

Everything is just how they remembered it, The candles glistening above them beautifully, the corridors they first met each other in, and Professor Snapes slick, smuggish facial expression.

The three gradually looked at the schedules.

"Awhh mann" Ron said extending the N

"What is it?" Hermione said in her usual playful tone.

"Harry's takes Dark arts before us, We're all not gonna be in the same class"

"Seriously" Hermione said annoyed as she looked back down at her schedule paper.

"Uh.. its alright guys, I'll just catch up with you later" Harry exclaimed trying not to feel just as disappointed as hermione and Ron

"See ya Harry" Ron said

Now it's just hermoine and ron. He couldn't help but notice a slack in hermiones bun which was held together with a claw clip.

"Can I just.." Ron said as he proceeded to de-clip and re-clip it back into place.

"Is that better?" Ron said playfully.

"Yeah.. Thanks." Hermione said wondering what had just happened.

"Anytime." Ron said playfully as a bright smile creeped upon his dimpled face.

They proceeded to walk to potions class. Hermione slowing in her path. She was so taking about how Ron had did that. She started to blush slightly but she didn't know why, After all it was just Ron. But she couldn't help but feel some kind of way.

"You comin' or not slow poke" Ron said jokingly. 

Usually any other day she'd say something as a rebuttal, but she's gotten use to it and knows it's nothing more then a harmless joke.

Hermione taking advantage of this playfully moment said "Last one there is paying for butter beer!" She said giggiling away as she proceeded to jog into a faster motion.

"Oh its on " Ron said chasing after her playfully

They both Barge in stumbling and laughing out of breath. They come In to consciousness only to realize everybody's staring at them.

"Sorry" Hermione said chockingly trying to hold in her remaining laughter.

She sits down at a random desk and make sure's there's an empty seat for Ron to sit next to her.

As the goody-to-shoes she is, she takes out her books and writes down the notes on the board.

                    *An hour Later...*

DINGDINGDINGDING, the bell goes off initiating the start of the second class. 

"Oi, mione, mind passing some notes?" Said Ron

Hermoine was so deep in her book to not even acknowledge Ron complaint.

"mione, Mione" Ron said repeatedly

Hermione sighed, finally looking up at him. Suddenly her stomach started to turn. The sight of his beautiful shiny red hair practically dripping down his pretty much pale skin made hermoines heart skip a beat.

"Yeah?" she exclaimed shyly

"I asked if I could borrow some notes" Ron repeated

"Alright fine" she said hesitantly

"Yesss" Ron said as if he had just one a life time supply of sweets.

He leaped out of his chair walking towards Hermione, looking at the notes.

"What's this" he said confused .

"It's the mixture on how to make wither potion" Hermione said calmly.

"I don't think this was on the board" Ron said

He really couldn't give a damn about it, he just kinda loved having playful arguments with hermione. he went behind her leaning over to get a better look. His head and fuzzy hair rested on hermiones shoulder, with his arms in front of hers.

Hermoines face was redder then ron's hair. She put her head down slightly so Ron wouldn't notice.  

"Uh.. How About I Show You Later" Hermione said fastly and swiftly trying to buzz of the romantic tension in denial

"Brilliant, we're gonna be late anyway and we've got to catch up with Harry" Ron exclaimed not knowing a single thing about what Hermione was feeling.

They hurriedly rushed to catch up with Harry. But Hermione had not forgotten what had happened between her and Ron. And was happy for it?

In a rush they headed to class.

"Good mor-" Harry was soon cut off by himself when he realized there's no one there

They then started to hear commotion coming
from the forgotten ball room

"I'm pleased to announce there will be a ball held here soon" Professor Mcgonagoll exclaimed

Harry, Hermione, and Ron all Looked at each Other.

"A ball?" They all said at the same time.

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