The plan

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"Sorry hermoine I need to talk to Harry real quick" Ron said quickly as he pulled Harry by the wrist.

"Ok.." Hermoine said emptyly. She was still under the impression that Ron had asked someone else to the dance. But why should she care. He has complete and utter free will to like who he wants. R-Right..

"Hey Ron?" Hermoine said as she walked up to Ron. His chest was nearly touching hers. She looked up at him lovingly.

"Try not to fail todays exam" She said giggling still looking up at him.

"I'll try" he also responded with a laugh afterwards.

"Mm" she hummed.

She walked backwards still looking at Ron until their eye contact broke as she turned around.

"Are you done drooling so we can go. Wherever you take me that is." Said Harry

"Oh yeah, Right" Said Ron snapping back into consciousness.

They headed to the library which had a secret abandoned room. They soon walked into a room that had almost all of hogwarts boys.

"Harry, This is the ONOLA. Or the one night, one love Association . Everyone you see here has near legally demoted their time to help me to ask you know who to the ball. Well all except Malfoy and his goons." Ron said confidently.

"Wow, this is, A lot" Harry said nervously.

"So, What exactly is the plan might I ask". Said Harry.

"Well basically we all come here after third period And come up with ideas to essentially help him ask hermoine."

"Thank you Neville". Said Ron with leadership.

"Speaking of which does anyone have any ideas?"

The room was silent for a split second.

" You could try asking her with some roses" said a boy in the crowd.

"Ohh, I like that one. Hermoine loves roses. I think. Probably not.."

"You could try writing to her anonymously " said another boy.

"NO" yelled Ron.

"Hermoine hates all suprises that aren't gifts." Said Ron.

"Ugh, Does anyone know if she's asked anybody" said Ron.

The room was still filled with commotion with everyone conversing ideas.

"It seems to me she's waiting for you to ask her" said Harry.

The Room suddenly went quiet and everyone was staring at Harry.

"What..?" Said Ron.

"I mean.. If she really did ask somebody don't you think the first thing she would do is tell her best friends of 4 years?" Said Harry as he gulped nervously.

"hmph" sighed Ron.

"You sounded really strange there " said Ron smuggly.

"You didn't ask hermoine did. Did you now" said Ron a little aggravated as he got really close to Harry challengingly.

"What..? No-No, I didn't" said Harry scaredly even though he had did no wrong.


"Hmph. Saved by the bell" Said Ron with a slick smile on his face as he put his hand on Harry shoulder making him uncomfortable.

"Uh.. ohhkayy?.." said Harry awkwardly.

Ron had always been the weakest relatively in his family. But when it came to the ones he loved, He truly could kill a man.

Everyone headed back to class accordingly to there schedule.

"UGHHHH" Screamed hermoine rushing towards them both.


The boys looked at each other shockingly. The had spent so much time conversing ideas they had totally forgot about there important.

"Bloody hell, I completely forgot about the test. Jeez I'm sorry hermoine. He said walking close to look down feeling genuinely sorry full.

Hermoine had gotten that feeling in her stomach again when Ron had got close to her. But she tried to remain a serious as possibly.

"What we're you to doing anyway.." hermoine said looking down, her cheeks turning faintly pink.

"Uhh.. we..we- were" said Ron stumbling on his words trying to find and excuse.

"We were signing up for Qudditch" said Harry Quickly cutting off Ron.

"Dumbeldore.. Ask us is we wanted to.." said Harry looking at Ron.

"Right. Right" said Ron snapping his fingers looking at Harry.

"But- Mcgonagoll said no one under the age of 17 could sign up" said Hermoine.

"And we just remembered that- Uh... When we got there." Said Ron nervously.

Hermoine obviously knew they we lying, she's not stupid. But she let it slide .

"Whatever lets just go" said hermoine tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear.

The began walking synchronized. This time she was walking close to Harry.

It was bothering Ron like a wasp sting. He couldn't stop staring and how close there hands were. He had to break the silence. He couldn't bare it.

"So Hermoine, anyone ask you as of lately" Ron Said calmly although his heart was racing.

"Well someone did but I want to go with someone else" said hermoine looking down.

"Who..?" Said Ron curiously leaning towards hermoines side.

"Nevermind.." said hermoine quickly.

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