Truths & Secrets

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Three three walked into the library and took a seat all the way in the back.

"okay so remind me why I'm here?" Said Hermoine.

"We are going to settle things once and for all. Even if you practically already forgave you have to know what happened, and what's presumably going to happen" said Ron.

"Oh.. this is serious isn't it." Said Hermoine finally settling down.

"It's a serious as you make it be" Said Harry.

"So On the day that I decided to "Attack" Krum, you didn't get the full story" Said Ron nervously.

"I'm listening.." Said Hermoine being attentive.

"That morning, your so called best friend told me some news. She lied to me saying that Krum was harassing you and the best way to deal with it was to fight him" Exclaimed Ron.

"What..? No-no I don't believe you. Lavender would never do that." Said Hermoine confused.

"That's.. not even the craziest part" Said Harry.

"Turns out Krum was in the plan. The night before you went walking to your dormitory with Lavender. She saw krum asking you to the ball out front. When she saw Krum get upset because you declined, she knew she had to do something." Said Harry following up Rons statement.

"Okay.. but why would she do that" exclaimed Hermoine.

"Because she's bloody in love with me" said Ron .

Hermoine fixed her face in surprise. Lavender was constantly asking questions about Ron.

"Merlin's Beard, That witch!" Hermoine said angrily.

"What is it?" Said Harry surprised.

"On that same night she kept asking me questions about Ron." Said Hermoine finally realizing the truth.

"I told her what made me angry at you... That's How she knew how to split us up!" Said Hermoine.

"We're there.. any good things?" Ron said looking down.

Hermoine sighed.

"Ron this is serious... But if you must know...yeah, there were a few" hermoine said smiling at him.

"Uhh.. anyways. She took that information from what you told her and came up with a plan. Lavender and krum were both upset that they were ultimately rejected. So they were team up together to split you to apart. That way you would catch Ron fighting and would "fall" for Krum
. And Ron would have nothing left to do but go with Lavender" Said Harry.

"Oh and there's more.. more I haven't even told you Harry" Ron said looking at him.

"This morning when I went to apologize to Krum. He told me something. He told me that he lied about everything and that you'd never believe me if I told you. I got carried away and kind of told him off.. but that's a story for another time. He tried to wand me, but I striked back. And let's just say this is the last of it." Ron proceeded to say.

"Wow that is a lot.. And you absolute, 100%, confirmably, Sure this is correct" she said still hesitantly.

"Trust a witness Hermoine" said Harry budding in.

"Right. Okay so now what do you think is gonna happen next" said Hermoine processing everything.

"We're not exactly sure but we think the going to plan something big for the ball. I thin there gonna tryna ruin you and Ron's night to the point you can't get back up." Said Harry

"Well now you've got me scared.." said Hermoine chuckling nervously.

"But probably nothing will happen because.. we'll I don't really have anyone to go with." Hermoine said sighing.

"Yeah me neither. Well I mean i can already predict Lavender non-stop sling me to go with her but. I mean not after what I heard. Plus there is someone else I really wouldn't mind going with" Said Ron nervously.

"Who?" Said Harry.

Ron glared at him intensely and angrily.

"Well, you not alone there" she giggled.

"Hey maybe we can be alone together" said Ron rising from his chair.

"I think I'd like that" said Hermoine smiling walking on the Room.

Ron and Harry turned there heads to each other slowly grinning.

"YESSSSS" the silently screamed to each other.

Faze 1 was finally complete.

They walked out then library following Hermoine and high fived.

Twilight was reaching in and they had one more class. Astronomy. This was Hermoines favorite class.

"Settle down students" Said professor sinistara.

"Today is free day. You all have been working so very hard, that Dumbledore requested I permit a break. So carry on" She said

"So what do you guys wanna do" said Hermoine sitting down in between Ron and Harry.

"Definitely not reading or whatever your doing" said Ron.

"Wanna talk rubbish about about Krum and Lavender?" She said maliciously.

"I love you hermoine" he said splendidly because he was thinking the same thing.

"I love you hermoine" he said splendidly because he was thinking the same thing

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Hermoine turned red, that feeling in her stomach was happening again. And for the first time in a while she loved it.

She was now 100 % sure she was in love with Ron and felt absolutely no remorse about it. No matter how things happened. Now matter when. No matter where. She would ultimately love him.

The talked and cracked jokes the whole time away. Harry even budded in to say a few things too. Hermoines stomach was hurting again from laughter and her head fell on Ron's shoulder.

"Hey Ron." Said Hermoine.

"Yea?" Said Ron grinning at her.

"I'm really sorry for not believing you, and say all those mean things, I really am" she said sorry full.

"It's quiet alright" exclaimed Ron.

Too Ron's surprise Hermoine gave him a kiss on the cheek at the proceeded to rest her head on his shoulder.

Ron felt like he was gonna melt. Could this be it?

Class ended after a while and to Ron's shock again,  Hermoine had fell asleep on his shoulder. He didn't wanna wake her up but he also couldn't just stay there forever so he decided to pick her up.

He carried her all the way to His dormitory. He rested her on his bed while he slept on the floor.

He was about to turn off the light when he decided to kiss her on the forehead goodnight.

He had a lot a resting to do, tomorrow was the start of faze 2.

One night, One loveWhere stories live. Discover now