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"Acids Pops," Regulus spits out venomously.

The sentry gargoyle remains stagnant. Irritation surges throughout Regulus as he tips his head back, glaring at the ceiling as though it'll dawn the password upon him. Obviously the old wizened prick finds security in confectionery, so perhaps it has only been changed to a different kind.

"Fizzing Whizzbees," he tries again... to no avail.

"Fudge flies."

Nothing. Regulus curls his fingers into tight fists, nails digging into his palms.

"Toffee eclairs."

"Chocolate frogs!"

Pent up with anger, Regulus kicks the statue and immediately regrets it when a jolt of pain spreads throughout his toes. He hops on one foot, hunching over to clutch the other as he hisses in agony.

And then, as though to mock him, the gargoyle leaps aside and the wall behind it slides apart. Regulus is fully prepared to irrationally curse the insentient statue off when he's abruptly face to face with Sirius. He promptly swallows the long string of profanities and stands up straight.

For what is only a moment, but feels like a millennium, the brothers stare at each other. Both are clearly caught off-guard. Sirius parts his lips, and Regulus braces himself for whatever will leave them. Nothing does, and somehow that's worse. He closes his mouth and marches past him without a second glance. Regulus can't resist watching him go with an utter sense of misery, then forces himself to climb the spiral staircase before the opportunity flees.

Smooth circles carry him to Dumbledore's office door, and he relentlessly pounds on it with the brass knockers.

"Enter," the Headmaster's calm voice calls.

Regulus strolls inside, and Dumbledore doesn't look the least bit surprised by his spontaneous visit. He stands at the window that overlooks the grounds, a golden sunset casts a luminescent glow behind him.

"Mr. Black, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

All of a sudden, Regulus forgets what brought him here. The sight of his brother has driven everything else out of his head, so that's what he responds with.

"Why was Sirius here?"

Dumbledore peers at him through his half-moon spectacles studiously. "To discuss his worries for you."

Ah. Regulus should've guessed. The ever so righteous big brother seeking help for his baby brother that's been steered down an iniquitous path. Despite his abhor for their family, Sirius certainly shares the Black's penchant for dramatics.

Regulus swallows thickly. "What did you tell him?"

"Not of anything you fear," Dumbledore assures shrewdly. With his hands clasped behind his back, he crosses the space to sit behind his desk. His eyebrows raise slightly as he brings an arm forth to gesture towards one of the chairs. "Why are you here, Regulus?"

The question sparks his memory. Exasperation returns to Regulus as he takes a seat and squares an ankle over one knee. "Why have you not fired Mr. Mullan?"

"I daresay it is a complicated situation," the Headmaster claims, typically and annoyingly vague as he makes a steeple of his fingers. "One I must tread carefully with. If Professor Mullan stays in the castle, I can keep a better watch on him."

Regulus massages between his eyebrows with his index finger, biting back his initial instinct to ridicule. "So you'll let a Death Eater wander this school?"

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