White and green thunder part 3

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The thundersaurs and sabersoaurs megazord now seeing the new dragon zord as the white and green ranger jump to the top of it.

" dragozord, show these Fools what you can do" white ranger said as the two evil ranger jump up and land on the roof top watching the view as they laugh evil and the Dragozord roared and flapped its wings, creating a strong wind with enough force causing small bits and pieces of rooftops and everything around causing all sorts of damage. As people below were having a crazy wind storm.

"NOOOO!" Tommy cried as the wind hit the Thundersaurus Megazord, knocking it back slightly as it hit the cars and trees around the street. The Thundersaurus Megazord tried to keep still as zack control the saberous megazord to help.

" the wind is too strong !" Zack said

"Hey, no need to get crazy!" Conner said as the Dragozord roared and kept flapping its wings to blow more stuff around.

" green ranger, begin control that zord of yours , I got an idea " white ranger said

"lets do this" green ranger said letting out an evil laugh.

"They need help." Tommy said as the Dragozord swooped down and slashed the Thundersaurus and saberous Megazord twice more with its wings.

"Stegozord, activate!" Tommy shouted while held his morpher up, as the headshape changed into the Stegozord's. The Brachiozord arrived in the area and then the Stegozord and ran down a street.

"I was hoping you'd do that." White ranger smirked, waving his sword around, casting a spell. "Stegozord, you are under my command."

" kentozord ! Obey me !" Green ranger raised her dagger to Cast a spell too as they cast the spell at the Stegozord making its eyes light up. The kentozord eyes light up to defuse the zmegazord by thr spinozrod , which zack pilot as he scream fall to the ground

" what ?!" Zack said as the two ranger jumped up and turned around, holding their arms out, as they entered the Dragozord and kentozrod .

"DinoStegozord formation!" he shouted.

" kentozord combine dinostegozrd!" She shouted

"Uh-oh! Not good." Tommy said as the Dragozord swooped down and landed on the Stegozord's back while the kentozord run up as the 3 zord combine as the DinoStegozord and the ranger stared around the new zord.

"They stole the Stego and kento !" Conner exclaimed.

"What?!" Kira exclimed.

"Whoa!" Ethan gasped.

"This is bad !" Zack said

"Not bad for a newbies, eh?" White ranger said as he smairked

" now let crush you rangers" green ranger said as the DinoStegozord raised its blade up.

"Man! Now they got their own Megazord!" Tommy gasped, looking at it as the two megazord stared face to face

"Why are you doing this?" Kira asked. "You're losing it."

"No, you're the one losing it." White ranger said.

. "And you're losing it to us."green ranger said as the DinoStegozord slashed the Thundersaurus Megazord down the chest twice with its stinger.

"WHOA!" the Rangers yelled.

" guys !" Zack exclaimed as the DinoStegozord tried to slash it again, but it was blocked by the opening up the Parasaurzord's tail, locking them together. They both moved around while remaining locked.

"I say we go at him full on Tricera Fist! ." Ethan said as the Thundersaurus Megazord punched the DinoStegazord's chest with its Tricera arm, knocking it back as Parasaurzord detached from it, then the Tyrannozord's tail extended out of it.

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