Chapter V: A Race of Opinions

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For many people, the ideal way to spend the summer months involves a day at the beach, basking in warm sunshine and listening to the soothing sound of the waves crashing against the shore. However, some (Mrs. Lambert to be exact) prefer the solace and comforting ambiance of family picnics filled with games and activities for everyone to enjoy.

Wade Lambert enjoyed many pastimes during the summer months, but few came close to his favourite of all: the races! He’d bet reckless sums on his lucky horse who came first in almost all the races. Sable Lightning earned his name not only due to his breathtaking speed but from the top of his head to the very tip of his nose ran a delicious white streak—a bold contrast to his stark grey coat. Doctor Garin, with the devotedness of a loyal friend, accompanied Wade during his racing fit, lending him some wise advice if the young man humbled himself enough to ask (which seldom is the case with young people who think they know anything and everything under the sun… ).

One sunny afternoon when the remnants of spring only lingered in the air, young Lambert found himself in a bind: Mrs. Lambert had assigned him a day with Miss Alice Flynn and the two were to take a nice stroll through town and ‘get to know each other’. Unaware of his prior engagement to relish a day at the races (of which she would thoroughly disapprove!), Mrs. Lambert had scheduled it today! And to add to the already troublesome situation, Wade had forgotten his promise to Lori in early spring; she’d been looking forward to spending a day at the shore with him and Garin (whom he always insisted on dragging along), which, in her important childish opinion, was the proper way to spend a hot summer’s day.

But one must give the young master credit for his quick thinking when situations such as these threatened to affect his precious plans. In an hour he produced a solution to his trivial problems and, with a charming smile for the blushing Alice Flynn, some mild bribery for Lori, and some mischievous winks for the reserved doctor, he and his three companions drove off in the doctor’s carriage.


The sun’s beaming rays cheered the afternoon with ruddy delight, much to the bereavement of Miss Alice Flynn. Her mother insisted on cold creaming her skin up to three times a day to maintain her milky complexion, believing it the key to securing a quality husband. This was all that rang in Miss Alice’s mind when she should have been careful of Lori’s ice-cream that leaned precariously towards her dress. However, the little sneak slipped to her left side, leaving the space to be filled by the dear doctor who savoured his own cream. 

Miss Flynn, oblivious to the stain on her dress, readjusted her parasol, and fanned her flushed face.

“It is quite a hot day today, don’t you think? To think how nice a picnic would be under that lovely oak Mrs. Lambert was telling me about the other day…”

If it had been any other man, Miss Alice’s words might have made an impression to the fullest as far as thinking goes. However, we were dealing with Mr. Wade Lambert, who failed to acknowledge what she’d said as he scanned the race tracks. His sister, bribed with all her favourite foodstuffs (fetched by the ever-obliging Doctor Garin) to dismiss her complaints of missing the beach, stood on her toes to see over the railing.

“Which horse is yours, Wade?”

“That one there, with the streak running along his nose. Can you see it?”

“I can’t see anything from here,” she complained just before the doctor raised her up.

“Wade, look how high I am!”

“Yes, yes, look there. Can you see him now?”

“Oh yes! There he is! Quite a gigantic horse, don’t you think?”

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