Chapter XXIII: An Unexpected Surprise

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Garin was hesitant about visiting Idleworth Manor one breezy morning of late October, where the sun played a gentle game of hide-and-seek among the airy clouds. Wade had cornered him on the night of the ball, declaring, with a newfound confidence (one which meant he was absolutely and unequivocally certain!), that he'd chosen his future wife! His confession did not surprise the doctor in the least, since he'd noticed the signs earlier and part of him was glad.


"She'll do him well."

This he said to himself as he prepared for the day ahead in his handsome apartments of masculine wood, rich velvets and poised silver trinkets. He scanned his surroundings, noting the greatcoat he'd thrown over the armchair from the late night stroll of the previous evening. The scent of brandy lingered in the air, coming from the near-empty decanter on the edge of the sideboard and the abandoned, half-consumed glass on the table near the cold fireplace. A pair of sturdy, mud-caked boots stood near the door and he already thought he heard Olga's scolding Russian tongue somewhere about the house.

Papers lay scattered across his writing desk and a selection of pens, quill and ink decorated a stack of books. He took a moment to pile his loose sheets, arrange his pens, and return a half-filled ink jar to a lower cabinet.

"She'll improve his character and help him discover unknown parts of himself. A trusted friend ought to have that which is best for him! And I shall be only too glad. Vosglasov!"

And he'd felt optimistic as he, assuring the dear housekeeper, Olga, that he wouldn't breakfast this morn, slipped outside into the refreshing dewy air, his heavy coat-tail billowing with abandon in the wind.

He'd tipped his hat at early stragglers and even purchased the morning edition from an upturned-nosed youth with the most cheerful set of blue eyes he'd ever seen, not to mention a dimpled smirk to match. He offered the boy a peppermint along with his pay, and the lad's awe-like look at the sweet made him smile.

The doctor went away with a satisfied feeling in his chest, his gaze sweeping over the familiar hills of Harwickshire, which he'd memorised as well as his mother's many looks.

However, something he daren't name irked him as the looming walls of Idleworth came into view and the fragrant caresses of the foxglove along the side path reached his nose. He caught sight of the upstairs window Wade had been glancing at on the night he wandered outside after dinner. The doctor, tipping his head back to view the estate in thought, held onto the brim of his hat, looking very much like a detective out of Mrs. Lambert's novels, Lori would have said. With a wry smile, he shook his head and took a breath..

"Wade asked me to come, and as a friend, I shall do just that."

The side door hung ajar and the doctor, out of habit, gave the siding a rap with his polished cane. Lori's freckled nose appeared almost instantly, her hair (to his surprise) set in a prim crown braid about her head giving her a soft regal look, he decided at last. She even wore a pair of delicate earrings!

"You're aglow with enthusiasm, Lori. I don't think I've ever seen you so peacefully happy."

Taking him by the hand and catching his top hat with the other, Lori led him through the hall with a soft sigh. Her voice came in almost a whisper.

"It is the day of all days, Garin. The first of all firsts and the beauty of all beauties."

With a snow-white hankie, she dabbed the corners of her eyes with a theatrical air, causing the doctor to raise an amused brow.

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