Chapter 14

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The room is silent, for the first time in so long. The reason? The fact they are all together again, except for Wonwoo and Mingyu of course. Joshua has to admit he got startled badly when he entered the apartment again, but that is not important right now at all. The thing he has to focus on now is not failing because Scoups and sadly Dino will be joining the team again today. This is their first mission with them, so everyone is quite nervous and excited. They have been such a great team and they adapted amazingly, but now it's time to get bigger again. 
"Are you all ready?" Joshua asks his team. The whole crew is waiting in their meeting room and Joshua has some important things to share before they can start.
"I'm curious to see how it will go today", Woojin admits and the crew nods their heads agreeing. Joshua wants to answer something, but Jun's eyes widen in excitement, giving away that Scoups and Dino have arrived. The two roommates smile while they greet everyone and Joshua immediatly walks over to Scoups. He suspects Dino to be furious at him for what he did a few days ago, but he tricked Scoups into believing him so maybe he could finally grow close to his former leader again like they used to be when Jeonghan was still around. The red-haired leader's heart still hurts thinking back about his soulmate. Knowing that Dino could've saved Jeonghan makes Joshua mad. The leader shakes his head, he has to stay positive today. Joshua smiles as he reaches Scoups.
"I'm glad you made it, you guys sure are late", Joshua says jokingly, but Scoups only gives him a nasty look in return.
"Don't talk to me", the older spits out and Joshua opens his mouth startled. Why is Scoups suddenly so mad at him? Before Joshua can even ask what's wrong, Scoups already walked over to Jun, who's talking to Vernon and Woojin. Sighing, Joshua walks towards his usual spot again. He's confused and surprised, but he has to keep the mission going so he decides to start. The leader clears his troath and he soon gets everyone's attention.
"All right, as you all know, Scoups and Dino have now officially rejoined our group", Joshua informs and the team starts clapping and cheering in joy.
"Before I start breefing our mission, I want to say something else," Joshua continues, "I have come up with a name for our team, since we exist for so long but never actually had a name. Given the circumstances and all that we've been through, I have found the perfect name." 
"Let's hear it!" Vernon exclaims curiously.
"I'm sure it will be amazing!" Woojin adds excited. Joshua smiles before he continues.
"Our new group name will be something we can be very proud of. I have chosen it because it shows our greatness, the fact that no matter how many times you push us down to the ground, we will always rise back up. It is a metaphore for succes. From now on, we will be called 'The Titans'", Joshua states proud and the team cheers happy, they seem to be accepting the name. The leader glances at Scoups hopeful, but his old friend doesn't even look him in the eyes. He just stares in front of him with an expression which gives Joshua shivers, but the leaders knows what it means: Scoups is furious, extremely mad. Maybe he is still upset with Dino about what happened between Joshua and him? Joshua hopes that is the reason for his friend's grumpy behavior. 
"Now our mission," Joshua moves on, "the mission could be dangerous, so we have to be careful. We will rob a very rich man, he is this rich because of his secret businesses. Which means he does not deserve his money at all. As you all know by now, I only rob people who deserve to be robbed", Joshua says firmly as he throws an accusing look at Jun, who looks down immediatly. The rest of the team nods their heads, they're already used to his idea. But Scoups looks at Joshua in disbelief, Joshua knows Scoups acted completely different, but he doesn't care. Scoups is not leader anymore, Joshua is.
"We will be split into two groups. One group will rob the house, the other group will rob the lodge right next to it. Seungkwan has done research and apparently, there is a huge amount of money hidden somewhere, we will only have to find it. But be careful, this man's house is heavily guarded. It will be difficult to break in and we have to be as quick as possible because there will probably be some alarm which could warn the police. Now for the groups: Scoups, Woojin, Vernon and I will rob the house and Jun, Dino and Seungkwan will rob the lodge. Got it?" Everyone soon gets into action and the groups are formed quickly. Joshua put Scoups and Dino apart on purpose, fights on a mission could be really dangerous. Joshua rubs his hands nervously, it's time for action.

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