realising they like you

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- dramatic asf because once he realised, he stopped in his tracks wide eyed like he was in some shit netflix romcom
- has never doubted himself until this moment
- secretly vents to dobby cause the other guys kept taking the piss out of him
- initiates more physical touch with you, putting an arm around your shoulder, hugging you from behind whilst placing his chin on top of your head etc.
- draco: "y/n...have you ever dreamt about dating one of your friends 👁️👁️?"
- y/n: "that's called a nightmare"
- draco: "yeah...🧍🏼‍♂️..true"


- chill on the outside, shaking on the inside
- would hype himself up in the mirror knowing he'd talk to you that day
- becomes an absolute comedian, taking any chance to make you laugh
- insists on holding your bag for you even when it's empty
- rejects every girl that tries to get with him, going to find you straight after
- y/n: "but she's pretty, why would you reject her?"
- blaise: "simple, she's not you"


- he's not surprised, he's lowkey had a crush on you since first year
- constantly trying to get your attention any way he can
- opens doors for you, gives you his hoodie, demands he sits next to you in class
- jokes that you're already dating, treating you like your his girlfriend and telling everyone he's taken
- reggie: "please come, she wants to bring a friend"
- mattheo: "dude i literally have a wife tf??"


- not phased in the slightest
- noticed himself looking for you in every room, disappointed when you weren't there
- tolerates most of the friend group, actually likes you
- takes the same approach as theo, wanting to make sure he's right about his feelings
- makes sure there's not enough seats for the group so he can pull you into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist and snuggling into you
- y/n: "what are you doing?"
- reggie: "shush woman i'm testing a theory"


- a tad surprised cause he was seeing someone else when his crush developed
- started wishing she was you whenever they were together
- had to be sure of his feelings, afraid to fuck up the friendship
- secretly watched as you studied with a ravenclaw boy in the library
- saw the boy reach out to hold your hand and saw red, storming over to sit next to you
- kissed your temple before glaring at the boy
- theo: "ciao mia principessa, finish up and come to my dorm?


- shaking on the outside AND inside
- you guys were already pretty close, so you noticed his hands shaking when you held them
- would NOT shut up to the boys about you. knew he had to make a move fast as tom threatened to expose him
- by your side 24/7, had to be physically removed from you by draco
- getting lost in your eyes, fantasising about being your boyfriend
- y/n: "are you even listening zozo?"
- enzo: " i honestly can't focus you're way too pretty darling


- ignores you like the plague
- pissed asf because how have you made his barely existent heart flutter?!?
- thought he was having a heart attack when you first winked at him
- eyes on you, always
- finds out oliver wood asked you out, so during the next quidditch game tries to kill him <3
- y/n: "tom what the fuck did you do??"
- tom: "you a favour, ungrateful brat 🙄"

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