when a guy is bothering you (friends but crushing)

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- he's stood talking to blaise by the bar when he notices
- scoffs loudly at the guys persistent behaviour before making his way over
- 'why are you talking to her?' he glared, placing himself infront of you
- when the boy explained that he wanted your number, draco laughed in his face
- 'you have some nerve asking for a girls number infront of her boyfriend, especially when he's a malfoy' he smirked proudly, looking the guy up and down
- a light blush spread upon your cheeks at the word "boyfriend" which didn't go unnoticed
- he turned to you, pulling you into him and kissing your forehead lightly
- 'let's get you away from here darling,' he stated, leading you back over to his spot with blaise
- stands behind you, tightly wrapping his arms around your waist and glaring at anyone who looks at you  


- a slytherin boy from the year above kept trying to dance with you, even after you politely declined
- blaise had been keeping an eye on you all night, as he normally did during your house parties
- he watched as you rejected the guy a fourth time before downing his shot and making his way over
- the older boy looked confused at first when blaise rested his chin on your shoulder and kissed your cheek, mumbling a 'hello babe' before staring at him
- 'oh hey evan, do you need something?' he asked the boy, who looked slightly unnerved. truth be told blaise knew that the other slytherins were both jealous and scared of your friendgroup, all being from well respected and powerful wizarding families
- evan scratched the back of his neck awkwardly
- 'hey zabini...are you two....?' he gestured between the both of you with his hand
- 'yep, this one's all mine' blaise smirked, raising his eyebrows, still cuddled into you.
- evan awkwardly excused himself, but for the rest of the night blaise stuck to your side, sarcastically smiling at the boy whenever he walked past.


- you had told a hufflepuff boy that you had a boyfriend but he still wouldn't leave you alone
- 'i don't see him,' he smirked at you
- 'you do now asshole,' you watched as mattheo appeared by your side, wrapping his arm around your shoulder
- the boys face went pale at the sight of mattheo, knowing of his wild reputation
- 'do we have a problem here? cause if you have a problem with my girl you have a problem with me,' he asked, stepping infront of you, blocking you from the hufflepuff
- the boy nodded frantically, stuttering out a sorry before running off
- a dark chuckle escaped mattheos lips as he turned back around, winking down at you as he grabbed your hand.
- he brought you over to your friend group, pulling you down onto his lap on the couch
- 'don't worry princess, i'll deal with him later,' he whispered in your ear, holding you close the rest of the night


- most people thought regulus was a very calm person due to his nonchalant demeanour, but they were wrong
- when he caught sight of you fighting with a gryfindor boy who kept trying to touch you, he saw red
- he made his way over and shoved the guys shoulder forcing him to turn around
- lands a hit right in the middle of his face
- 'never touch my fucking girl, ever, understand?' he said in a serious yet calm voice, a mocking expression on his face as he waited for the boys reply
- the boy weakly nodded and regulus roughly let go of him, taking your hand in his and kissing it
- 'let's get you out of here love,' he said softly, turning to glare at the boy before bringing you up to his dorm


- your friend group were gathered around the fire, all drunk except for you, draco and theo
- you were sat talking to the pair when cormac stumbled over, his friends watching from the sidelines
- he kept trying to hit on you, and when you turned him down he only increased his efforts
- theo bit his lip to refrain from starting a fight, instead placing a hand on your thigh and leaning over to whisper in your ear
- 'forgive me for this bella,' he whispered, smirking at your confused face
- as cormac was still speaking, theo placed his other hand on your face and leaned in, connecting your lips.
- you were startled at first but then melted into his touch as he tilted his head, deepening the kiss
- he opened his eyes, looking directly at cormac as you two continued to make out, shooting him a wink before closing them and focusing his attention fully on you


- you had finally managed to create some distance between yourself and the creepy blonde haired ravenclaw who kept trying to talk to you
- the downside was that you were now stuck in a 7 minutes in heaven game with most of your friends and a few others
- lorenzo could sense you were on edge as the blonde haired boy joined the game, eyeing you as he sat on the opposite side of the circle
- it was finally your turn to spin the bottle .....and as luck would have it, it landed on the boy you were trying to avoid
- his smirk only grew as he stood, but before you could protest someone else beat you to it
- 'yeah you're not going anywhere near her mate,' enzo scoffed, glaring at the boy
- 'well someone has to,' pansy looked around, sensing the tension
- enzo took a final swig of his drink before getting up and picking you up bridal style
- 'how bout you and me angel?' he asked, raising an eyebrow
- once you nodded he carried you into the broom closet, throwing a smug smile at the other boy before locking the door......


- you were beyond pissed off. ever since you had arrived back at hogwarts after summer break marcus would not leave you alone
- the older boy would simply laugh as you tried to ignore his advances in the halls but tonight he was taking it too far
- he had already tried to corner you three times since the party had started and you were growing scared, so you knew what you had to do
- 'cmon l/n i know your just acting annoyed, you love it,' he chuckled following you through the crowd of people
- you ran over to tom who was near the staircase and grabbed his arm, rambling about the whole situation
- he didn't speak, he simply hooked a finger under your chin to make you look at him
- 'he will be dealt with,' he stated calmly, nodding in the direction of the boys dorms. 'my dorm. i'll be back in a minute.'
- you watched as he looked into the crowd, his eyes staring daggers at a very frightened looking slytherin who ran out of the common room in fear of his life

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