when you're sick

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- 'you stay there darling, DO NOT move'
- skips class to look after you
- knows exactly what to do, used to getting prince treatment from the manor workers when he's sick
- heats up your hot water bottle, brings you soup, keeps fluffing your pillows etc
- orders crabbe and goyle to get stuff you want
- 'Don't thank me love it's my job'


- 'well done'
- takes the piss, trying to lighten your mood
- pretends to be a nurse, checking your temperature and flirting with you like your a patient
- when you say your bored he'll take your stuffed animals and make them fight, throwing insults and smacking each other
- when you want a kiss offers you a high five instead cause your sick babe
- 'are you paying me minimum wage for my labour? no 🙄? didn't think so baby'


- 'gorgeous girls can get sick? seems cruel' 
- knows when to cuddle tf out of you but also when to give you some space (never lets you out of his sight though)
- gives you his hoodie, and wraps you up in the blanket like a burrito
- insists on carrying you to and from the bathroom
- keeps sneaking forehead kisses even though you tell him to stop
- 'you need medicine, i need kisses, it's an even deal princess'


- 'if your not going to class then i'm not, i'm not leaving my girl when she's sick!'
- lies on top of you to keep you warm, doesn't care if you get him sick
- tells you ALL the latest gossip that he somehow knows
- he's already attached to you normally, so piggy backs you to the kitchens to make you food
- carries you to the astronomy tower afterwards so you can get some fresh air, holding you tight as you sit on the ledge
- 'it actually hurts my heart to see you sick amore, i'll do better next time to make sure you don't'


- 'oh my angel, do you need anything? water? snacks? anything you want you get'
- still goes to class but worries about you the whole time (doesn't show it though)
- when he's back he gets you to take your medicine and puts on a movie for you both too watch
- runs his hands through your hair when you have a headache and plants small kisses onto the top of it
- doesn't really wanna get sick so he'll sleep in his own dorm but will hold your hand and sit with you until you fall asleep
- 'don't worry angel tomorrow you should be as good as new'


- 'what do you mean your sick? you'll be fine'
- doesn't believe in getting sick so thinks your just being dramatic at first
- notices that you can barely eat and stand up for long
- does a complete 180 and forces you to stay in bed and relax whilst he does your school work
- (lowkey) feels bad so let's you sleep on his chest whilst he reads
- 'don't get sick again okay? i don't like seeing you like this'

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