who asked who out?

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you asked him

- he was shocked
- had a crush on you and was overly friendly but was too scared to act on it
- it was obvious to everyone, even teachers, that his feelings for you weren't strictly platonic
- so when you asked him to go to hogsmeade together he immediately agreed
- 'just the two of us? like only me and you? sounds like heaven darling'
- wouldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day and fell asleep thinking about what was to come for the both of you (kicking his feet and blushing fr)


you asked him

- draco had let it slip that blaise was planning on asking you out during a history of magic class
- you were surprised as you had liked the boy for years now but never thought he'd feel the same
- you wanted to beat him to it, so you found him in the slytherin common room and approached him, asking him on a date
- his eyes widened at your blunt question, pleading with his brain to produce a legible answer
- 'wha- yeah, yes of course princess. i..i was literally about to ask you'
- would NOT stop smiling down at his feet throughout the day, replaying the scene in his head over and over


he asked you

- you were one of his closest girl friends and honestly pretty shy, but there was something about you that just lured him in
- he stopped flirting with other girls and started flirting more with you
- would scare off other guys by wrapping his arms around you and glaring
- straight up asked you to be his girlfriend when another boy was trying to ask you out
- 'but you're mine, right princess? cause i'm most definitely yours' 
- once you say yes he won't stfu about it to the boys, tom has to put a silencing spell on him <3


he asked you

- you were both the introverts of the friendgroup and would often hang out alone together
- he never felt his social battery drain around you (and also thought that you were the prettiest girl he'd ever seen)
- his minor crush on you only grew bigger until he couldn't take it anymore
- 'ready for our study date'
- 'date?,' your heart rate jumped
- 'of course. i wouldn't hang out with anyone else for so long gorgeous'
- carries all your books and bag from then on and only lets you have his notes to study off of (those notes are harder to steal then the crown jewels)


you asked him

- you couldn't ignore your crush on theo anymore, the only way to fix things was to get rejected so that you could move on
- did he flirt with anything that moved? yes. did you still have a chance? only one way to find out
- you asked him to the yule ball whilst you were both at the black lake
- he didn't respond at first, taken aback, but the shit eating grin on his face spoke for itself
- 'finally cara mia, the boys kept asking me why i was rejecting girls. told them i already had a date but i was really waiting for you to ask'
- when you guys made it back to the castle he held your hand firmly as you roamed the halls, trying to make a statement to the other guys


he asked you

- he had made his crush on you blatantly obvious, or so he thought
- yet you never seemed to catch onto his behaviour, simply thinking it was just the way he was with everyone
- he was becoming impatient, initiating physical contact whenever he saw you i.e. putting an arm over your shoulder, in order to get the message across
- you were in the great hall with your friends, explaining how you wanted a boyfriend and were growing frustrated at having not found someone yet
- lorenzo scoffed and leaned forward, dark eyes staring straight into yours
- 'wouldn't have that problem if you let me take care of you angel'
- best believe you let him take care of you after that!


you asked him

- he was obviously shocked
- you knew it was silly. he was the tom riddle after all, but better to try and fail then not try at all right?
- he looked you up and down as you stood waiting for his answer, his eyes moving slowly. he knew who you were, often seeing you in the halls with your friends
- you were lowkey shitting yourself until a smirk formed on his face. his facial features were soft but his gaze was dark and challenging
- 'are you sure? don't start something you can't handle darling'
- even if you had decided to change your mind you couldn't. you had all his attention now. you were going to be his.

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