catching you dancing to muggle songs (very slight nsfw)

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(song in mind: nct127 'Love On The Floor')


- today was the day. you were finally going to clean your room.
- it was a long time coming but you were prepared. music blaring, sleeves rolled, hair were ready
- you moved your hips to the songs rhythm, completely absorbed in clearing your desk and totally unaware of the boy now standing in the doorway
- draco watched you in awe, feeling his body heat rise and gulped, his thoughts rapidly growing wilder.
- you turned slightly and nearly screamed as you caught sight of the boy, placing a hand over your heart as you looked at his flushed face.
- 'babe...oh my god when did you get here?' you gasped.
- he stared into your eyes as he slowly made his way over, wrapping his arms around your waist and letting out a ragged breath.
- 'i am the luckiest man in the world,' he whispered.
- 👨‍🦽👨‍🦽👨‍🦽


- you were put in charge of curating the playlist for slytherins next party as everyone agreed that you knew the best muggle music.
- you were in your dorm, listening to each song in full to ensure they fit the vibe of the night when an nct127 song started to play.
- could you add it? would the others judge your taste? you knew that they had never heard of kpop before, but you were still nervous.
- as it continued to play you couldn't help but move to the music, imagining yourself dancing to it with your friends.
- blaise suddenly entered the room, as he had promised to help you earlier. you didn't notice and continued to match your movements to the music.
- he stood, pupils dilated and eyebrows raised. the sight of you so carefree and seductive had him close to drooling
- the song ended soon after and you had no time to process what was happening as he pinned you to the wall and looked into your eyes.
- 'oh we're definitely adding that one to the list gorgeous,' he mumbled, trailing kisses down your neck and forgetting all about the party.....


- you were known to be quite a shy person, which meant that no one knew your guilty pleasure.
- when you were alone, you would often dance along to music in your room, imagining yourself in a movie scene or tiktok edit.
- mattheo had been given yet another detention, so you decided to entertain yourself as you waited. casting a silencing spell on the room, you turned your phones volume up to 100%
- the bridge of 'love on the floor' played and you moved seductively to the beat, closing your eyes and swaying your hips.
- what you didn't know was that mattheo had managed to get out early and made his way straight to your dorm.
- he secretly leaned on the doorframe, biting his lip as you danced.
- the contrast between your innocent, shy personality and the sexy confidence your moves emitted made his head spin.
- he opened the door fully, making his presence known and you stopped, reaching for your phone.
- 'oh no no please don't stop because of me baby,' he smirked, taking your phone from your grip and holding your chin between his fingers.
- 'dance for me yeah?' he whispered, sitting back on your bed and resting his hands behind his head.
- 👨‍🦽👨‍🦽 (adds the song to your 👨‍🦽 playlist)


- you had a shit tonne of homework due, so naturally you tried to do anything else but it.
- and what better way then to put on some music and rearrange the old pictures/posters on your wall?
- as you contemplated on where to put them, you focused on the music playing  and subconsciously began to sway to the beat, matching the songs energy.
- you totally forgot that regulus was coming over to help you with your essay, and soon enough he appeared in your doorway, glued to his spot.
- his eyes drank in the sight, a smug smirk appearing on his lips as he watched your little show.
- 'is there anything my girl can't do?' he sighed contently.
- you turned it off, a blush covering your cheeks.
- 'sorry reggie i forgot you were coming over to help me.'
- he threw his bag on the floor, and held your face, pressing a slow kiss to your lips.
- when he broke away he nodded his head in the direction of your phone.
- 'turn it back on,' he whispered. 'the essay can wait, you need to help me with something first......'


- theo had mistakenly asked you about your favourite muggle artists, now subjected to listening to your constant rants and praises of them. 
- he grew especially jealous of your praising of nct, a muggle kpop group whom you were slightly obsessed with.
- this led to him rolling his eyes at the mention of yuta's name, your favourite member, and although you found it quite funny you decided to refrain from playing their music around him.
- so whilst he was away with mattheo doing god knows what, you put on your favourite songs and begun to let loose after a stressful day of classes.
- many of their songs held a sensual quality, which shifted the atmosphere in the room.
- theo could hear the music coming from your dorm as he made his way down the hall, so he went over and looked through the crack in the door.
- his heart skipped a beat as he watched, entranced by your beauty and the song.
- 'mi stai facendo impazzire,' he whispered to himself.
- he was completely lost in you, entering the dorm and grabbing your hips, pulling you into him.
- 'fuck that was hot,' he looked down at your lips. 'you can play this one, only for me tho.'
- 🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻


- enzo was in the shower as you got ready for the ravenclaw party that night.
- you had your music playing as you did your makeup, singing along to try and hype yourself up.
- love on the floor came on when you heard enzo shout from the bathroom.
- 'wish they'd play songs like this, i'm sick of their shit music taste ruining the vibe. maybe we can convince cho to add it,' he said.
- with your makeup done and outfit on you started dancing to the music, giving it your all as you were excited for the night ahead.
- enzo came out of the bathroom in only his jeans, holding a towel up to his wet hair.
- he looked you up and down as you continued, biting the inside of his cheek in an attempt to control himself. he just couldn't believe that you were his.
- he twirled you around and pulled you into his chest, kissing you softly.
- 'merlin i love you,' he caressed your cheek with his thumb.
- 'i love you too,' you replied, giving him another peck.
- as you pulled away he chased your lips and before you realised, you were pushed onto his bed as be pinned you down.
- 'the party hasn't even begun but you need to help me out.....' he smirked, rewinding the song and getting on his knees...


- tom had left you to hang out in his dorm whilst he attended a last minute meeting with his followers.
- you could have went with him but you could tell that he was already in a bad mood and the serious expression on his face had unnerved you slightly.
- so instead, you decided to put on some music and start your night time routine (shower, skin care etc).
- you were applying your moisturiser when your favourite muggle song came on, and so you began to sway your body to the rhythm.
- tom had entered the room, shutting the door quietly behind him, watching your every move.
- he normally hated your music taste but there was no denying how hot you looked dancing to it in only his hoodie. he loosened the tie around his neck as the room had seemed to heat up. 
- you caught sight of him in the mirror and turned around, surprised.
- 'jesus how long have you been there?' you asked, heart racing.
- he licked his lips, eyes trailing down your body slowly.
- 'riddle?' you added.
- 'what.....oh i-', he cleared his throat, breaking from the trance he seemed to be in.
- you raised an eyebrow, smirking at the faintest of blush on his cheeks. was the famous tom riddle actually speechless?
- as if he could read your thoughts, he rolled his eyes and picked you up, pinning you to the door.
- 'shut up and be good' he commanded, and connected your lips in a deep, desperate kiss.

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