having detention together (but he has a crush on you)

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- 'well hello there darling, just the two of us yeh?'
- literal chatter box, yapping your ear off straight away
- small smile on his face the entire time
- compliments you constantly
- comes up with inside jokes so he can tell people it's "your twos thing"

- was about to leave until you arrived
- convinces you to sneak out with him before snape returns
- you both run around the castle, laughing your asses off and running from filch
- holds your hand so he doesn't lose you
- you both hide behind an open door, nearly caught by mrs norris so he softly kisses your cheek to calm you down

- sits as close to you as possible
- 'well if it isn't my favourite girl'
- rests his arm around the back of your chair
- plays with your hair to get your attention
- tells you embarrassing stories that happened to him and the boys to make you laugh
- teaches you how to hold a cigarette (wanted an excuse to hold your hand)

- his frown instantly disappears when you sit down next to him
- 'you've just made my night gorgeous'
- keeps "accidentally" brushing his hand against your own
- blushes deeply whenever you look at him
- starts play fighting with you cause he wants your attention
- disappointed when snape returns and says you can leave

- smirks at you the moment he sees you enter the room
- turns his chair around so that he's facing you
- 'don't tell me i've been a bad influence on you princess'
- uses his italian to flirt with you and make you blush
- places his hand on your thigh
- tries to convince you to get detention again so yous can hang out 💀

- 'i didn't know angels could get detention!?'
- subtly moves his chair closer to yours
- tells you all the gossip he knows, including the boys drama
- when it gets quiet he'll start singing random songs to make you smile
- gently moves pieces of hair out of your face
- would let you rest your head on his shoulder if you get tired

- glances over at you every few minutes
- makes you take out your homework so that he can help you (do it for you)
- 'the things i do for you love🙄✋🏻'
- compares hand sizes with you
- actually laughs at your jokes and sarcasm
- let's you know he's listening by asking you questions on the topic 

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