when you're jealous

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- you went down to breakfast in the great hall, rubbing the tiredness from your eyes
- you went up to sit next to your boyfriend as you did everyday
- you stopped when you realised a girl, more specifically astoria, was already sitting next to him
- you knew they were family friends but everyone, including draco, also knew that she was obsessed with him
- y/n: "hey baby" you said, taking the seat opposite him instead
- draco: "not now y/n, i'm busy"
- you could see the smirk forming on astorias face, who turned to him and moved slightly closer
- you let out an annoyed laugh, getting up to sit at the gryffindor table, as you were friends with hermione and knew harry's presence would get your boyfriends attention
- you slumped down, head in your hands due to your tiredness and annoyance. harry laughed at your behaviour, lightly kicking your foot to keep you awake
- you looked up and smiled at him, but was quickly picked up and dragged into the hallway
- draco pinned you to the wall, leaning down to kiss your jaw and whisper in your ear
- draco: "running to harry when i'm not there huh?"
- you cocked an eyebrow at him, wrapping a hand around his tie and pushing him back slightly
- y/n: "well you seemed a bit preoccupied, why don't you run back to her. tell her i said hi"
- he bit his lip, looking you in the eye
- draco: "you'll be the death of me one day, y'know that. id rather watch paint dry then talk to her, my dad makes me. i'll deal with potter later, but for now..."
- 👩‍🦽👩‍🦽👩‍🦽

- it was the day of slytherin vs hufflepuff, and both you and blaise were on the team
- the game had started, and it was clear that slytherin had an advantage, as you guys were not afraid to play dirty
- everything was going as normal but everytime blaise had caught the bludger he would pass it to another girl lexie, completely ignoring your shouts to pass
- this continued throughout the game until the end, and each time they would score they would high five each other
- after you won, you made your way to the common room and it wasn't long until blaise started retelling the match
- blaise: "it was mad, hufflepuff couldn't stand a chance against the two of us, we just kept scoring"
- you sighed and got up, jealously swirling in your chest  
- y/n: "yeah cause you refused to pass to anyone other then that new girlfriend of yours"
- you went to your dorm to freshen up. once you existed the bathroom you saw blaise sitting on your bed with a worried expression
- blaise: honey i am so so sorry, i didn't mean to ignore you it was just- every time i turned to find someone she was right there.
- you crossed your arms, lightly biting your bottom lip
- y/n: "of course she was right there, she's always trying to get all over you"
- he got up and wrapped you in a tight hug, swaying you side to side
- blaise: "well that's the first and last time i've noticed her. you know i only have eyes for my favourite girl"
- you couldn't help but smile, pulling him into a deep kiss
- y/n: "your so lucky you're cute
- y'all celebrated your victory 🧎🏻‍♀️

- he lives to annoy you, trying to get any reaction out of you he can (because he thinks your hot asf when you're pissed)
- so when slytherin were hosting the next party, he thought of ways to rile you up
- towards the end of the night, a few ravenclaw girls had approached him and theo, blatantly flirting with them
- instead of pushing the girls away, he began to entertain their advances. a blonde girl leaned into him, whispering something in his ear with a smirk. he kept direct eye contact with you from across the room the entire time
- although you were lowkey livid with him, you knew what he was doing so instead of freaking out, you gave him a thumbs up and smile before going back up to your dorm
- you had barely entered the room when a flustered mattheo appeared
- mattheo: "you okay princess? what are you doing?"
- you didn't look at him, just continued to grab your pajamas unbothered.
- y/n: "going to bed, i'm tired"
- he ran around you, desperate to make eye contact. he knew he had fucked up.
- mattheo: "oh god your really pissed at me"
- you gave him a soft smile
- y/n: "no i'm fine. you might want to get back down there, theo and the others will be waiting
- he grabbed your hands, pleading eyes staring back at you
- mattheo: "princess i was just joking around i'm sorry. you just look so gorgeous in that dress and you're incredibly hot when your pissed off"
- you raised your eyebrows at him, sitting on your bed with a bored expression
- he got on his knees infront of you, kissing both your thighs slowly, messaging them
- mattheo: "y/n baby i love you. let me make it up to you. i'll do whatever you want, just say the word"
- he kissed from your thighs up to your lips, ready to show you just how sorry he was

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