finding out you were a bet pt.2 (happy ending)

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potential t.w (mentions of fighting, cuts, blood)

CONTEXT: you have ignored them for around two weeks now, taking extra precaution to avoid them in class/the hallways/great hall.


you looked down at your hands and took a deep breath. in one was the hoodie he had given you to keep, and in the other was a box with stuff he had left around your dorm, pens, a scratch book, pictures etc.

you could now face him without breaking down, so you made your way to his dorm.

after the third knock, the door opened slowly, revealing a messy haired draco still in his pajamas. you were confused as it was 4pm. he was never one to nap or lay around all day.

draco: 'princess?'

you avoided his stare
y/n: 'here are your things.'

draco: 'oh..... yeah thanks,' his voice broke and his tears fell before he could stop them. you turned to leave, but he stopped you.

draco: 'it's not what you think. blaise knew i liked you and thought you'd reject me when i told him i was going to ask you out. i bet him that you would say yes, which was arrogant and narcissistic of me, but i swear i would never lie to you about my feelings. I love you y/n, i always have. i am truly sorry.'

his sudden confession made your heart stop
y/n: ' did actually like me?'

draco: 'like? more like absolutely adored.....loved.'

you stepped into the room and wrapped your arms around him, burying your head in his neck.

y/n: 'i am so so sorry love, i should have let you explain... i-i thought you were just messing with me this whole time.'

he cut you off by pressing his lips to yours, smiling into the kiss.

draco: 'if anyone is sorry here it's me. i deserved it, but it will NEVER happen again, i truly can't live without you.'

he led you to his bed, clinging to you like he was afraid you would run off.

draco: 'i'm not still dreaming am i? ....i hope not.'


you two had already been paired for a history of magic project, which meant you couldn't ignore blaise forever

you had asked lorenzo to tell blaise you would meet him in the library at 7 to continue your work, and nothing more.

he had arrived 20 minutes early which was awkward because so did you. you both sat down at the back of the room which was empty as gryffindor were hosting a party that night.

it was silent at first, neither of you daring to speak. after a few minutes blaise lifted his head from his work.

blaise: 'it wasn't a bet bet. draco said i was too pussy to ask you out and get you to like me, but i was going to ask you anyways so i bet him a few galleons. it was pathetic of me to do but i thought that if you were to reject me i might as well get some money to buy a few chocolate frogs to mend my broken heart.'

he spoke at the speed of light, in case you would get up to leave.

y/n: 'so you did always like me?? and draco was aware of this.'

blaise: 'yeah, he was just jealous that i had somebody...although you weren't mine yet... i got butterflies when you looked at me, or felt shy whenever you spoke. i'm honestly convinced that he was just bitter that i had noticed you first.'

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