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I stand in the doorway and watch as Elijah steps closer. I feel his musky cologne, the one he used to wear on his skin in Paris, making its sultry way into my apartment.

- I was beginning to think you wouldn't let me in.

- I've certainly considered it.

His brows furrow, and he fixes me with a familiar pained look that torments me every time I close my eyes at night. But then I move to the side and let him step in, closing the door behind him. I lead Elijah into my kitchen, noticing how he takes note of every detail in the spaces we pass through. Seeing him in my apartment for the first time stirs something in me. something dangerous.

- What do you want to drink?

- I'm good with whatever you'll have.

- Red wine I guess.

I set his wine on the counter and take a few sips of mine, letting alcohol burn down my throat. He looks so tall and strong, even leaning against the kitchen counter with that unsettled look on his face. I take another sip of my drink. Elijah watches me carefully.

- You had no right to tell Victoria about us without consulting me.

- She pieced it together and confronted me about it. I'm not in the habit of lying to her.

- Because she is your wife? You're a dutiful husband, is that it? Is that why you told her we fucked in Paris?

He flinches at the harshness in my voice, and I cross my arms over my chest.

- Is that what we did in Paris? Because I seem to remember making love and falling head over heels with you.

- And you still agreed to marry my sister!

My voice comes out in a high pitch. His throat bobs.

- When I came back to New York, my father told me that he and Richard Presley had agreed. He said I was to marry his daughter. He didn't tell me which one, and I just assumed it was you.

- We were talking on the phone all the time. Why didn't you say something?

- Because I wanted it to be a surprise. Richard told me the date I was expected at your house, which was also the day of your return, and that only cemented my belief. I wasn't told that Victoria was my betrothed and not you before I came to your house.

- What a surprise. You could've said no.

- There hasn't been a day since then when I haven't thought of that myself.

- You could've chosen us, but you put your family's ambitions first. You say you fell for me in Paris, but when it came to sacrificing me for power and money, you didn't even hesitate!

- That's not true! That was the hardest thing I've ever done.

- You are a big liar. You told me you'd wait for me in New York, and you broke your promise to me! Because of you, I've been in hell for two long years, you piece of shit.

I feel fury crackling through me at the memory of that fateful day.

- ... And now you come into my home, thinking I'm just going to take you back? Become your dirty little secret?

He pushes himself up from the counter.

- If this is the only way I can have you, then yes, I'll ask you to be my secret.

He drops his gaze down my body, and if feel naked under his scrutiny. My breathing quickens in a mix of anger and lust.

- ... God, I've been thinking about this body every day since I first laid eyes on you. I've been in agony too these past two years, knowing that you were so close, and I couldn't touch you, feel you, bury myself in you. Why don't you want to end our suffering, angel?

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