He knows

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A few days later, I'm working on a new song in my sunroom. I fluidly glide the flatpick across the guitar strings, and my voice hums soft, unpolished lyrics about two lovers in the moonlight. I can't wait to play this for Elijah. My phone buzzes, and I ignore it, knowing it's most probably Tristan. He's been texting me every day, and he keeps messaging me even if I don't reply. Especially If I don't reply. Ignoring him seems to rattle him to a great extent. A few moments later, my phone starts ringing, and a quick glance shows me it's the security guard downstairs.

- Sorry to bother you, Miss Presley, but there's a Tristan Baron here for you.

- Mr. Baron is not on my visitors list anymore.

- I'm aware of that, but he refuses to leave, and he claims he's your fiancé. I can make him leave, but wanted to check with you before using force.

- That's alright, I'll be right there. Thank you for letting me know.

As soon as I step out of the elevator, Tristan's eyes swivel to meet mine with a heat that makes me feel uneasy.

- Tell your guard dog to stand down, Ella.

- I'm sorry about this, Mark ( Mark is the bodyguard's name). it's alright, I'll talk to him.

- I'll be right here. The bodyguard says.

The security guard crosses his arms, his solemn eyes fixed on Tritan as he crosses the lobby to meet me.

- Is it true? Did you blacklist me from your building?

- You brought this upon yourself. You've been texting me and leaving me voicemails non- stop.

- That's because you refuse to see me!! but it doesn't matter, you're here now.

His eyes sweep over me, and my pants suddenly feel too short, my top too revealing.

- You must know by now that I want you.

My stomach twists over at the blatant admission.

- I'm sorry, but I don't.

- This is because of him, isn't it? That's why you're being so cold to me.

- I have nothing else to say to you, Tristan, so please stop calling me and texting me obsessively.

- I'm your fiancé, and I have rights over you.

I can't believe I ever considered being in a real relationship with this man. I turn to the elevator, but he quickly circles around me, blocking my way.

- Don't you dare walk away from me again.

His voice is dark and menacing and it blooms loud enough for Mark to step between us in two long strides.

- You have to leave, Mr. Baron.

- Alright, Ella. If that's how you want to play it, that's how we'll play it.

A chill goes through me as I watch Tristan march out of my building. What have I gotten myself into?

Two chamomile tears and a deep meditatiob session later, I ring Elijah.

- How would you feel about a night in the mountains.

- At your family's cabin?

- Yes! Since it's Saturday, I figured we could head there right now and come back tomorrow night.

- I'd love to, but I can't leave until tonight. Something came up at work, and I'm at the office right now.

- Oh, okay. Then how about I drive ahead, do some grocery shopping, and wait for you with dinner like a proper girlfriend?

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