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I text Tristan, and he offers to pick me up after I see my mother. I take this as the perfect opportunity to discuss the bomb she just dropped on me.

- Oh, you don't have to worry about that, Ella. I already knew about it.

- You knew that the news of our engagement would come out?

- That, and the fact that your mother is throwing us an engagement party.

- How did you find out about it so fast? She literally just told me about it.

- She called my mother the other day, and they talked about it for hours. You should've heard how excited they both sounded.

- But, how are you okay with this? Aren't you bothered by the fact that they didn't ask us first?

- Actually, my mother asked me, and I said it was a great idea.

I furrow my brows.

- You told them it was alright without talking to me first?

- Yes, is that a problem?

My blood starts running hot. I've always hated it when other people made decisions for me which is why I became independent in the first place. I didn't fight this hard to make it on my own just to let Tristan and our mothers make decisions for me. he needs to know this is not how things are going to happen from now on. I cross my arms over my chest, and Tristan watches me hesitantly.

- I don't appreciate being the last one to find out about this engagement party.

- I assumed your mother would tell you.

- That's not enough, Tristan. If you want me to trust you, you need to show me that you respect me.

- Of course I respect you! Tell me what I can do to fix this. Do you want to cancel the party?

His voice is strained with panic, but I stand my ground.

- I haven't seen my mother smile so widely since Father died. I won't take that away from her.

He deflates in relief.

- I'm so glad.

- But if we really do get married, I won't accept being a marionette.

- I'd never think that of you!

- Good, because we're equal partners in this relationship, or we're not partners at all.

His lips curl up into a shy smile. He lays out his hand, and I stare at his long, elegant fingers.

- We are partners, Ella. I'll never make the mistake of assuming you want something without asking first, I swear it.

I shake it, and he wraps his fingers around my hand and pulls me closer.

- Tristan, what are you doing?

- Don't you feel this magnetic pull between us?

His eyes drop to my full lips, and his throat bobs as he swallows hard.

- I know it's too soon, but I think I'm falling in love with you.

My temperature rises, and I feel my heart racing under Tristan's appreciative gaze.

- I really, really want to taste your lips.

I nod my approval, and Tristan bends down until his lips touch mine softly. I keep waiting for butterflies, or at least a little rush of dopamine, but there's nothing there. Eventually, he pulls back with a smile.

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