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Years after that day happened and Reina was still around Reno. Reno was good on his word for those years, he went on dates with her and even showed a romantic side to him that he never showed any girl before, which made Reina feel very special while she was in high school with the male. High school dances weren't something that Reina thought she'd ever go to-but with Reno at her side, she was able to go to all of the dances that had happened throughout their high school years.

They lasted all through high school and even a few years out of high school while Reina was in college. After high school she was the only one who took up being in college, Tira and Tara didn't think that College was for them and chose not to deal with such things, since they relied too much on their boyfriends to take care of them-which Reina hated since she would work and go to college while she kept her relationship with Reno. While she did Sephiroth, Angeal and Genesis took up making a band with two others they knew-Cloud and Zack. The five males didn't have much luck, but they still tried the best that they could. While they were resting from their practice Genesis hears his phone go off in his pocket.

He looks at it instantly, feeling concerned seeing that it was Reina-who should have been at her boyfriend's place since it was a day, she didn't have college or work, so she wanted to surprise her boyfriend for his birthday, since she didn't think she would have had the day off-but she thankfully did and had asked him to take her to the idiot's place. He would have known where she was due to being the one who took her to his place...or at least close to it that she'd allow him to, so he didn't kill the male. Her words not his. He quickly answered it only to hear the young red-haired female crying into the phone. His concern grew as he heard her crying. "What's wrong Reina? Why are you crying?"

"I...I caught Reno cheating on me! I...I knew he was acting off around me the last few years! P-Please...C-Can you get me so I can be home?"

The guitar that Genesis had around his shoulder left it instantly landing on the floor face first as he grabbed his keys. "I'm already on my way-out Rei, where are you?"

"I...I'm at the corner of the street where you had dropped me off."

As he heard her speak, he was in his car. "I'll be there in ten minutes.

Reina sniffled a bit. "O...Okay. I...I haven't told anyone but you this. J-Just like I promised when we were teens."

"As much as I'm thankful you called me, you should have probably told Anya too."

"S-She's across the state right now, t-there'd be no way she'd be able to do anything right now."

"What the fuck is she doing across the state?"

"Our parents moved with her, she told me when they moved where they would be moving too. I...I actually had to go to court cause I had to testify against my own father since he was caught sleeping with a minor in a cop car."

"That's fucked up, wait is that why for a small period of time I saw you at the house you were raised in?"

"Y-yeah...My mother had apologized to me about what had happened when I was thirteen. She thought that I was doing it for attention, she didn't know that I didn't want anything to do with my father that way. She had wanted to be a part of my life after that, I told her that she couldn't be a part of something she literally threw out of the window at the age of thirteen. I was no longer her daughter, and I didn't want her pity party."

"Damn, I'm sorry you went through that."

"It was bound to happen, how much longer Gen?"

"I'm almost there. I'm stuck at a red light."

"Oh I see you! Can you park on the side of the road?"

[COMPLETE] Loveless Hearts [Genesis Rhaspsodos love story] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now