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As the days turned to weeks, the weeks turned to Months. Months then turned to three whole years that went by. With each year Reina would always go through the letters and re-read them to pass time. After she had gotten out of college, she managed to get a writing contract with a publishing office that loved her work. So she worked from home and she enjoyed her work, what she didn't enjoy was taking care of two children who weren't her own.

Reina loved her cousins to death, but sometimes they made her feel like ripping out her hair and screaming out. After the birth of their children-Viven and Leo, Tira and Tara both neglected their children-pushing them towards Reina who couldn't say 'no' to children. The two girls knew that and took advantage of that. Reina always made mention to Angeal and Sephiroth when she wrote to them that they had left Tira and Tara pregnant and how they were doing. Then once their children were born she'd always send them pictures of their kids so they knew just how their kids were doing growing up.

Another thing that Reina did just to make sure that they knew just what was going on was to do a visual diary to the boys. When Viven and Leo turned two years old she captured the entire day and even mentioned that the gifts that they had sent would be given to them in private away from Tira and Tara. After the kiddos would go to bed, Reina would then be honest with how stressed and how uncaring the two girls were. She'd also mention that she had gained a new friend that was a neighbor to them that was a voice actor, she even showed said neighbor on the camera.

The neighbor was a male that was slightly taller than Reina who had short brown hair and light eyes. He smiled to the camera and explained that he voiced over her books after he had read them over. He loved her writing and wanted to do something to show just how much he loved them. So it was his way of showing love to Reina as an amazing writer. As it came to be the almost exactly three years since the guys left, Reina had gotten a letter from Sephiroth. Her eyes lit up happily and she quickly went to her room to be able to figure out what the male had written to her.

|Dear Reina,

I know that it's been a while since we've written to you, and I apologize about that. We've been trying to get Genesis to write to you but he doesn't seem to want to. He brushes us off all the time, so we figured he didn't care enough to talk to you. We'll be home very soon, when we do get home you will be relieved of the duty of taking care of Viven and Leo. I assure you that we will be taking care of them and be talking with Tira and Tara about how they've been treating you. Neither Angeal or I are in the mood to deal with their nonsense. Hopefully we will see you soon and the lot of us can talk about what has been going on.

Sincerely Sephiroth|

Reading that they were on their way back home made her excited for once, she hid the letter with the rest of the letters before she went to go tell her friend that the terror that she had gone through for the last three years was almost over with.

When it came to the day that the boys would come home, Reina knew that Tira and Tara would always go out and Reina didn't want to be the only one home when the boys came home. So she tried to get the two girls to stay home, but it was for not as they would wave off her words since they didn't think staying home would do them any good. Reina didn't like that they weren't listening to her so she stood her ground and stood by the door.

"I'm sick and fucking tired of being used! I have my own work to do, I can't work and deal with your mini chaos goblins! Either you take care of them or regret what I'll do to those poor kids! They aren't mine and I shouldn't have to play 'mother' to them!"

"You're being over dramatic, just be a good little introvert and take care of the kids while we use your card to pamper ourselves. And everything will be just dandy." Tira said with a shrug

"I think the hell not." Angeal said from behind Reina

Tira and Tara's faces went sheet white as they saw Angeal and Sephiroth come into the house behind Reina. Reina calmed herself as she looked at Angeal. "Took you fucking long enough! Either you get my shit from your fiancé or I'mma go commit murder."

"Calm down Reina, it's fine. I got it."Angeal said before he patted her shoulder and walked around her

Reina went outside to see that Genesis was on his cell phone with someone and he looked irate, he soon shut it looking annoyed. He then looked at Reina. "So, you're still here huh? I'm surprised you haven't left."

"What wanted me gone? Do you not see me as someone pleasant anymore?"

"Just sayin', things have changed over the last three years. In this bus is my wife and our kid, I need you to leave so my kid can have a place to sleep cause I'm not sharing my room with my kid."

Hearing him speak, she felt her heart break inside of her. She balled her hands up and went up to him before she slapped him hard against the face. "You're such an asshole! I hate that I became friends with you! I hate that I believed in you and everything that you do! I hate that for the longest fucking time I've had the crush from hell on you! I hate that the one thing that I feared the most happened right in front of me. You want me gone, then fine...I'll leave. But not in the way you want me to."

She went back inside and grabbed her keys as she looked at Angeal. "Break the card, I'm leaving and never returning. Sell all of my things for Leo and Viven. I'm done...I've reached my limit."

She then left out with her keys before going into her car and leaving. As she sped down the streets, she heard her phone go off, so she grabbed it and threw it out of the window, so she didn't have to hear it anymore. When she saw the long, large bridge she pressed on the gas pedal before she made herself in her car ram into the side of the bridge making her car flip over and go into the water below. She internally said her goodbyes, not wanting to deal with anyone's bull shit anymore. She thought that it was odd that Sephiroth and Angeal never wrote about Genesis or that she never got anything from him.

Now she knew why, he had gained a life away from her. He had left her in the dust and had forgotten all about her for someone else. Someone who would have been better for him than her, knowing that she never had a chance with the male well...it made her feel worthless and useless.

[COMPLETE] Loveless Hearts [Genesis Rhaspsodos love story] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now