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Reina didn't understand what was going on with her body, she didn't understand why her body was complying with what Genesis was doing to her body repeatedly. Genesis found it rather amusing how easy it was to make her body sensitive, he knew it had to have been a long time since anyone had ever touched her-so knowing that, he knew that being with her sexual was going to be a good release for the both of them since he hadn't slept with anyone in years.

He couldn't, all he could ever think about is the 'what if's' of the woman he now had as his girlfriend. All of those 'what if's' where becoming a reality right before him. Every pleasurable moan, every time she said his name-it made him want more of her. Genesis didn't stop pleasuring and loving Reina until both of them passed out tangled within the other. As morning came around, Genesis was the first to wake up only to see that Reina was cuddled closely against his chest which made him happy.

He finally had the woman he loved so dearly close to him, he didn't want to lose her. He didn't want her to be a person of his past. Genesis kissed the top of her head softly as he let her sleep in peace. He didn't move until he felt her move, she looked up at him flustered.

"Morning cutie, sleep well?" He teased

"S-Shut up Gen!"

He snickered a bit. "what can't handle a bit of teasing babe?"

"After what you did to me last night? Tch-I don't know what I can and can't handle. Usually that type of thing gives me PTSD...but not with you. I don't know if it was because I knew it was you or if it was how you did it...but whatever the case may be, it was nice being able to do that without having my mind freak out about being so close to a male like that."

Genesis smiled as he heard her speak. "I'm glad that I was able to soothe your mind sweetheart, so mind telling me why you are going on a TV show tomorrow?"

"It'll be for two things-one is the secret that I'm not telling anyone, the other is to talk about my most recent book that I published a month ago that sold out an hour after it was published."

"Holy shit babe. Just what type of shit do you write that makes them go out that quickly?"

"Fantasy Romance. The X Rated kind."

He blinked his eyes a few times. "Babe...the fuck?"

"Pretty much-more times in the book than any actual plot." She said with a smile

Genesis sighed out. "I set myself up for that." He muttered as he rubbed between his eyes

She laughed as she sat up and sat on top of him, which made him stiffen up slightly. "Rei...what are you doing?"

"Getting a better view of your handsome face." She said with a smile before she kissed him

He kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her. "You know...this seems like one big ass dream to me. I never thought I'd actually be with you."

"The feeling is mutual darling, I hated that you called me 'just a friend' to you."

"Yeah...being 'friend' zoned wasn't awesome. Especially when you get this close to me, do you have any idea how much I've had to resist the urge to kiss you and fuck you like I did last night?" Genesis asked her as he raised an eyebrow to her

"Probably just as much as you've failed to conceal you having a boner each time we cuddled. I get that your male-its gonna happen but seriously Gen?" Reina teased

"Oh fuck you Rei!" He said pushing her off of him

She laughed and smiled as she sat up. "Aww poor little Gen can't handle a little teasing from a brat?" She asked in a baby teasing tone

"Hey watch yourself, do you not want to be able to walk today?"

"It's not like you're actually gonna do something to me Genesis, I'm not afraid of an empty threat."

He pushed her down and kissed her on the lips. "Oh you're so going to get it brat. I hope you're ready to eat those words Rei."

"All talk again?" She teased as she tiled her head to the side


The next day Genesis took Reina to where she needed to go for her interview and stayed there with her. When it came to her segment, she came onto the set and shook the hand of the talk show host before sitting down with her hands on her lap. "Reina, it's a pleasure to meet you in person. I have to say my wife loves your writing, she's actually a bit envious that I'm talking to you face to face. She gave me a few questions to ask you, mind if I ask them before getting into my own?"

Reina giggled a bit. "Sure thing, I love answering questions from my fans." She said happily

"Awesome, I'm glad to hear that. So first question-who inspired you to write what you do?"

"Honestly? My beloved boyfriend-he's always been the inspiration for what I write. If it wasn't for his love and dedication I wouldn't be here now."

"Oh really? Mind me asking a bit into your private life as to who that is?"

"Not at all, I was going to say who was today anyways. My boyfriend happens to be Genesis Rhapsodos from Loveless hearts."

"That's rather interesting, I had no idea you would know him."

Reina smiled. "Believe it or not-he and I are actually childhood friends, before we began to date he and I were best friends. It took us a while to stop beating around the bush of our feelings though."

"I bet it isn't easy dating a rock star huh?"

"Oh no it's not, I know there are a lot of people who adore Genesis. I know there are also a lot of crazy fans that want to be with him as well. So I'm going to always have my guard up knowing that he's as popular as he is."

"Speaking of him-I've seen in the interviews with his group, he's never allowed to talk. It's usually two people who do. A brunette male and a white haired male."

"Ah Sephiroth and Angeal-That doesn't surprise me. It pisses him off so much when they have interviews that he can't get a word in edge wise."

"It's to my knowledge that you actually came here with Genesis is that right?"

Reina smiled and nodded her head. "That I did, he drove me here to make sure I came here safely."

"Aww isn't that sweet. Mind if we bring him out so the two of you can answer some questions?"

"Not at all-he told me that he'd love to be able to finally talk about things himself." She said before she looked to side where Genesis was. "Genesis, wanna come out love?"

Genesis did, as he did-the crowd went wild with cheers. He shook the hand of the talk show host before he wrapped his arm around Reina pulling her close to him. Being rather possessive of the young female as he smiled at the talk show host. "So Genesis-it seems like you have made a name for yourself and have bagged yourself a rather popular woman as well. How does it feel knowing that?"

"I don't care about the fact that I'm popular, I don't care that I have fans. What I do care about is Reina going about what she's wanted to do since we were teens. I'm glad that she's made it this far-even if what she's written is skeptical at best." Genesis said with a shrug

"So, the whole 'bad boy' look you have-that's true to you isn't it?"

Genesis scoffed. "I had no damn choice in the matter-it was that or the record label replacing me. And the messed up part is it was before Reina and I even got together that it happened just because I was the only one without a significant other. My 'team mates' didn't even say a word about it. I've been told that I am not allowed to say a thing at interviews that I'm just a show piece for my looks which is messed up."

"That is messed up, now did you know that Reina was writing what she had been for the last few years?"

"Yes actually, I am a book reader on my time off. Near by where the record studio is for my group is a book store. I did happen to see her books-and before you ask, yes I did buy them but I haven't read them yet. I wanted to wait until I met back up with her to do so."

[COMPLETE] Loveless Hearts [Genesis Rhaspsodos love story] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now