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When the two of them got home and were cuddling together as Reina was showing him the music she produced on her own-Genesis had gotten a call from Angeal. Genesis sat up to be able to take the call having an idea of why he called. Before genesis could say a thing Angeal yelled, obviously very irate about what he had chosen to do for himself.

"how dare you leave Loveless hearts without telling us!? Do you realize what you've just done to Sephiroth and I who have told the entire world that none of us would leave that band?! Get over yourself and come back now!"

"Wow-hi to you too Angeal. Let me put this out there for you. Unlike any of the rest of you-I was given a double standard that I wasn't allowed to cross. I was told that I couldn't date, but if I did that it had to be someone who was popular. It didn't matter what for, they just had to be popular. Now today Rei had an interview for her very successful book series that sold out rather damn fucking quick. Not to mention something else that I'm now helping her with. On the break our manager apparently was watching that interview. Rei wasn't up to his standards even though she's popular enough that anyone who reads her books would know who the hell she is. I was given two choices." Genesis stated seriously

Angeal was quiet the entire time Genesis spoke.

"The first choice was to leave the relationship that I finally got to be in with the woman that I adore the fuck out of and continue being miserable and not be spoken out for in Loveless hearts OR continue on with what I desire to do, which is to be with Rei and relinquish my spot in Loveless Hearts. Now tell me if you were given the choice of leaving the woman you love to continue on or to leave that label for the woman you love...what would you chose?"

"The label."

"Oh wow, why?"

"Tara can deal with Leo on her own."

"Then you would have to pay child support and you'd be known as a shitty ass father. No one would ever want to date someone who'd fuck a girl then leave them with a child."

Angeal was quiet again, Genesis scoffed. "Before you come at me about why I went against what you two solely placed out there without asking what Cloud, Zack or I would feel about it-think about why I fucking left. Sure the label was the first damn label to come up to us, but it sure isn't the greatest. The Label that Rei is under is more understanding than that one is-so fuck off and don't contact me unless it's really important."

Genesis then hung up and he let out a sigh as he sat back against the couch, he noticed as he did so that Reina was looking at him sadly. "Oh no...what's with the puppy look babe?"

"You're getting shit because of me...A-Are you sure you want to do something like that?"

Genesis let out a small sigh before he pulled the young woman onto his lap and he cupped her face into his hands. "Rei...my love, my everything. Let me tell you something that I want you to keep to heart."

She just looked at him sadly as she had her hands together in front of her.

"I adore and love you so fucking much, nothing and no one will ever make me part from you. I was going to leave that label regardless of what you did. Part of the reason I wanted to be there with you was to tell my manager to fuck off and to find someone else to be his little bad boy doll. You know that isn't me-I know that isn't me. Being around you is the best thing about my life, I would never ever trade it for anything in the world. Anyways, don't you think Angeal and Sephiroth need to pay for what they've had Tara and Tira do to you since watching their little minions?"

[COMPLETE] Loveless Hearts [Genesis Rhaspsodos love story] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now