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Inside the house Genesis was tweaking out as he heard from Angeal what she had told him. He had been trying for the last fifteen minutes to get her to answer her phone, his worrying got even worse with each passing minute. As he was waiting for her to answer her phone Tara and Tira scoffed out as they mentioned that she wouldn't answer her phone. She hadn't had service in a while because they stole her card from her. She had been a bestselling author for a while and everything she earned they used to buy what they wanted for themselves.

Hearing that made Genesis concerned. "Did she ever get her medication, or has she not had it in a while?"

"She stopped taking that after you guys left." Tira said with a scoff

"We weren't going to pressure her to do something she didn't want to do. After she got out of college, she became the author she is now. We used that as a way to make damn sure Leo and Viven were able to have someone to watch on them so we can go out." Tara explained

Genesis cursed under his breath and left out as he went on his bike to find where she made off to only to see her cell phone in the grass not far from the bridge that connected them to the neighboring city. He grabbed her phone and inspected it only to see that her lock screen was different now. Instead of it being the two of them it was a depressing quote-as if to remind her that she wasn't worth anything, when she was. He went further only for his heart to sink as he saw the tire marks and the damage done to the side of the bridge. He was able to place a lot together and took his shoes jacket off and took the things out of his pockets before he dove into the water to save Reina.

The words that she said to him burned into his mind, she loved him. She had been holding back on him this entire time. Adrenaline kept him from stopping as he saw her car slowly making its way down into the depths of the river. He noticed that she had her windows both down, so he was able to get into the window and unbuckle the unconscious woman before he grabbed her and took her out of the water. Once she was out of the water, he coughed a bit from being in the water too long.

As he was trying to get Reina to breathe and open her eyes, he had his phone on speaker as he had called 911. He tried to keep himself calm as he explained what had happened to Reina. Reina wouldn't wake up and he was slowly losing hope, slowly losing faith that he'd actually lost his best friend, his everything over something that he had said to her because he had been told he had to. After the phone call ended, he saw a male come towards them as he came out of a car with Angeal and Sephiroth.

"So, you're the fuck up she likes huh? Well, she defiantly got the part where you'd be in denial right. You seriously have nerves to say what you had to her." The brunette male stated

"Shut up! Just who the hell are you anyways and how do you know Reina?" Genesis said pissed

"If you would have been around Angeal and Sephiroth more often, you would have known that I'm the VA of all of her books. I narrate all that she writes. I also happen to be her friend since I moved in next door to where she lives. I know all about her Strife's and what she's gone through." He stated. "My name is Quentin. That's all you need to know. And before you get your panties in a twist no, I'm not gonna take her from you. I'm gay and I already have someone who I'm with."

"That doesn't make me feel any better."Genesis said seriously

Quentin pushed Genesis away from Reina and placed two of his fingers on her neck. "She barely has a pulse, she seriously needs to get to a hospital."

"I've already called 911" Genesis said sadly

The male scoffed. "Guilt eating at you that bad huh?"

"I don't need to hear shit coming from someone like you!"

" 'someone like you'? What the hell do you mean by that? I'm the one thing that kept this woman sane while she was dealing with two pregnant shedemons! Where the hell were you? Off jacking off or whatever the hell you were doing for the last three fucking years. You have zero right to act like you give a shit about her when it has shown that you don't! You never contacted her or gave her any indication that you gave a fuck about her! If you truly gave a fuck about her you would have at least kept her from doing something as stupid as this!" Quentin said irate


When Reina finally woke up in a hospital bed, she wished she didn't, she tried to get up but there was a heavy weight on her legs. She looked towards her legs to see that it was just Genesis who was asleep against her legs. She had to slowly and carefully get her legs from under him before she went to pull the plug for the machine that kept her alive. As she had her hand on the plug a large hand stopped her making her look to see that Genesis had woken up and was looking at her sadly.

"Please...don't do this. I...I know what I said was stupid. I know I've been stupid Reina...but this...this isn't going to solve anything." He said sadly

"Says the male who doesn't even know how to keep in contact with me. How can you consider me a friend to you when you don't even act like a friend towards me?!" She said sadly

He pried her hand off of the plug before he hugged her tightly. "I know that I never had any contact with you...and I know that I've been a pretty bad friend cause of it. But there's a lot that you don't know since Angeal and Sephiroth never knew."

She sighed out and shut her eyes. "You have to explain yourself sir, I'm not going to hug you or forgive you until you do."

He let her go and picked her up, placing her back on the bed before he placed the blanket back on her. "I'll explain everything to you, you just have to hear me out...alright?"

She nodded her head as she had her hands together. "Okay."

"The male who is our manager wanted me to be the 'bad boy' of the group since I didn't have a significant other-I'd be the 'selling point' of the group. The others didn't care if they had been told that, or they weren't aware of it. But because of it a lot of stress and attention went on to just me. I couldn't be seen or have any contact with any female...and that included you."

"And the bull shit you told me earlier?"

"A lie I had to tell you to keep you away from me, bosses orders. I literally had gotten off of the phone with him as you came out."

Reina looked down sadly as she shut her eyes. "I need to know something from you."

"Sure what's up?"

"The song that you had come out with on your first album called 'I just want you to know'...was that towards me?"

He scratched the side of his face embarrassed. "Y-Yeah....Angeal and Sephiroth said that it'd be a good way to get my feelings for you out."

Reina opened her eyes and she looked at him. "So...I'm not just a friend to you then..."

"Hell fucking no. You have no idea how long I've wanted to tell you that I love you more than just a friend."

"Well the feeling is very much mutual...the main reason I couldn't get into the only relationship I was in was because my heart was already hooked on the idea of being with you."

Genesis moved himself closer to her before he brushed his hand against the side of her face. "Think we can try to make us work Rei? I'd love to be able to finally express myself to you."

She gave him a half smile before she placed her hand over his. "Y-Yeah...I...I'd love that lots."

He then closed the space between the two of them as he kissed her on the lips. The relief that came over both of them as they shared the kiss was euphoric. Once he pulled away from her, he smiled a bit. "I love you so fucking much Rei, I'm going to get a nurse to let them know that you're awake."

She nodded her head still breathless from the kiss that he had given her. Once he left, she held onto her heart as she heard the heart machine going off rapidly due to what had happened with her. She only hoped that she'd finally be able to be happy with Genesis and that she'd never have to worry about whether or not he'd ever love her back or not.

[COMPLETE] Loveless Hearts [Genesis Rhaspsodos love story] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now