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As Genesis and Reina got outside he made sure that he shut the door behind Reina so no one could hear the two of them talk. He didn't want anyone thinking that they could interrupt him and getting his best friend to be better. The two of them sat on the bench swing that was to the right of the porch as Reina hugged her legs close to her chest as she looked up at the sky. Genesis knew that the emotions were finally settling in for Reina, she had a hard time showing her emotions after all of the emotional and mental abuse she had taken from her father and mother. So he knew he'd have to be patient before he'd see the emotions that ran through her.

"Will you be alright Rei? I know that things are finally settling inside of your head."

She shrugged as she finally looked at him in the eyes. "I'll cope, I never truly loved Reno. I really did try to cope with him-but I just couldn't. My heart and mind were on something complete else...and I know that as long as both of them were on that something else that I'd never be able to truly feel hurt until I feel a type of rejection from that one thing."

He raised an eyebrow as he finished taking a sip of his coffee. "What made you not fall in love with Reno?"

Before Reina could say anything to Genesis, Sheira had made herself known unannounced and unwelcomed acting as if nothing was wrong. As if she hadn't just cheated on him the night before with his best friend's ex-boyfriend. "Genny dear! I came here to spend the day with you. I would have called you but I couldn't get in contact with you. Do you have your phone off dearie?" She asked as she went up to him and hugged him.

As Sheria hugged Genesis she scowled at Reina, Reina knew better than to stay there. So she got up and she left without another word. Genesis couldn't stop her since his free arm was instantly taken over by Sheira holding onto it. So he had to internally scold himself for not ditching the leach of a blond woman earlier. Reina had quietly made her way up to the second floor where she grabbed her things for a shower before she went to take herself a shower.

As Reina went to take a shower, she self-harmed herself. Feeling that pain made the recessed emotions come up and she let her blood fall from her arm as she cried on the floor of the shower until the blood stopped and she couldn't feel anything anymore. From the fact that she couldn't tell Genesis that she loved him to the fact that she knew that she was nothing more than a booty call for Reno. He never loved her so why should she have tried to find something 'good' in him to love?

He never cared for her working and going to college, and whenever she'd try to talk to Reno about her strife where she works. He would brush her off saying that she should 'grow up and deal with it like a grown up'. Words like those made her feel like she didn't deserve love, that she didn't deserve to be happy. That she would always be left behind and never find herself being happy, never being the one that will be selfish. That wasn't her-and she knew it never would be. "Damn it I hate my life...I wished I would have died after all of the bull shit my father placed me through. At least then I wouldn't feel like so much like utter shit. I don't want to feel like this anymore." She said through small sobs as she held her arm still.

Once she was calm enough to get out of the shower she turned it off and she patched her arm up knowing that if she didn't she'd get blood going down her arm and she didn't want anyone to know that she cut herself. She wouldn't let anyone-not even Genesis, know that she cuts herself. She wouldn't let anyone get that close to her, she then stared at herself in the mirror in the bathroom. She frowned seeing just how pale and ugly she looked, she knew all the reasons people didn't want to get close to her. Why she hadn't found anyone who'd love her for her, why she was so broken and used like some stupid doll. She sat on the toilet cover as she cried into her hands, knowing damn well that she was going to be dealing with a lot of backed up emotions for the next few days.

Reina soon calmed herself down enough to dress herself and wash her face, she didn't want anyone to know that she had been crying her eyes out in the bathroom. No one needed to know just how broken and hurt she felt, no one would even care anyways. She knew damn well that she'd be dealing with a lot on her own, so she masked her emotions before she dressed herself of her hoodie.

After Reina had managed to get herself dressed, she came downstairs wearing a different hoodie with a pair of sweatpants, she noticed that Genesis was still acting like he was in love with the woman that cheated on him. She also noticed that the seat she usually sat at Sheira sat at and there wasn't an extra plate of food at the table. Seeing what she had, she chose to go to the kitchen to get herself something to eat. While she did, she was stopped by Sephiroth. "What are you doing Reina?"

She scowled at him before she crossed her arms. "You and Angeal are on some seriously thin fucking ice if you two thought that you two could forget to cook for me if you two were going to cook for everyone here. I don't appreciate what I came down to after the bull shit you two have been trying to pull earlier when Genesis and I just woke up. So, you need to do something about this before you two are kicked out with your lazy counter parts."

Sephiroth looked at her sadly and placed a hand on his chest. "I apologize if it looks like we forgot to cook for you. We had cooked food for you, honestly, we had. It's just that neither Angeal nor I knew that Sheira had showed up. When Angeal got Genesis earlier Sheria came in uninvited and took your food as if it was for her, neither one of us knew what to do or say to her. She didn't even ask if was for her or not. We didn't intentionally do anything to piss you off more, we know better than to do that. Neither one of us have a death sentence when it comes to you Reina."

Reina was stressed and had it with the blond-haired female, she knew she couldn't fault Genesis, he couldn't tell that idiot woman 'no' so she knew she'd have to do it herself. "Listen you should have been firmer with that idiotic female and kicked her out of the house since she had cheated on Genesis. I know this because the person that Reno had cheated on me with was her. Genesis was only acting as if he cared for Sheira. She shouldn't have been welcomed into the house since she came in unannounced and unwelcomed. You know just as much as I do that Gen doesn't know how to say 'no' to that dumb ass bitch."

[COMPLETE] Loveless Hearts [Genesis Rhaspsodos love story] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now