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Reina then quickly changed the topic-not wanting to feel any worse than she did before. She noticed that he was writing something and questioned him about it. "What were you writing before I came in here Gen?"

He took a deep breath before he picked up the paper from the table. "It's a song that I'm writing to basically write off being with Sheria. I have this bad feeling that she's cheating on me and I'm not going to deal with that."

She frowned as she looked at him. "Well...you're right about that. Um..." She said before she got her phone from her hoodie pocket and she showed him a picture

Genesis's eyes widened hearing her speak before he looked at the picture to see that his girlfriend was the woman that Reno had been with behind her back. When he realized that both of them were going through the same ordeal, he knew damn well that he was going to have to deal with his soon to be ex-girlfriend the next day. At that moment he chose to comfort his best friend to let her know that she wasn't alone. He pulled her into his arms, making her cuddle against him as she shut her blue eyes as she held onto the sleeves of her hoodie.

"This sucks Gen, how do you deal with heartbreak so well?"She asked sadly

"I vent it out, be it through music or something else. Keeping it in will only hurt you."He said softly to her as he petted the back of her head

She let out a small sigh as she felt herself getting tired. "Hey Gen?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Can I ask you for a stupid request?" Reina asked as she opened her eyes and looked up at him

He raised an eyebrow at her. "No request from you is stupid."

"Um...okay, c-can you sing to me please? I...I don't want to sleep alone after what I dealt with today. I...I feel safer around you than I do being on my own, so...I'm starting to feel sleepy now." She said as she began to ramble, which he knew would happen since he knew she was in fact tired.

He chuckled a bit. "Sure thing, I don't mind you falling asleep against me, just let me get comfortable. I don't think I'll be getting up afterwards."

She nodded her head and allowed him to take his shoes off before he adjusted himself, so his legs were on the couch and she was curled up on his lap leaning against his chest still holding her sleeves with her hands. Genesis placed the small blanket that was on the back of the couch over her before he petted the back of her head softly to keep her calm.

Genesis then sang to her to lull her to sleep, which didn't take long. Afterwards he realized just how messed up things were between the two of them. Having Reina in his arms made him remember the crush he had on her. He knew that nothing would ever be the same if he tried to date his best friend. He didn't want to hurt her; he didn't want to end up making her have any regrets. He placed the paper down and shut his phone off before he went to do the same to Reina's phone only to see that her wallpaper for her lock screen was a picture of the two of them together when they were still in high school.

Seeing the picture that she had as her lock screen really made him curious about whether or not she saw him as more than just a friend to her or not. He shook his head and shut her phone off before he soon followed Reina in sleeping, knowing fully well that the main woman that he cared for was in his arms and leaned against him so much. As much as he knew that the woman, he had been with was a waste of time and a horrible choice for him, he had gone with Sheria because he needed someone to make him forget about the woman that was in his arms.

Genesis disliked that Reina's relationship with Reno lasted until they were twenty-three years old. Seven years the two of them had been together, seven years Reno had wasted Reina's life. Seven years of Reina's life she'll never get back just so the two of them would be able to get together. Seven years Genesis had to watch Reina struggle in silence. He hated that Reno had done what he had to Reina. Reina deserved better than that, she deserved better than Reno. Genesis didn't know how long it would be until Reina would recover from the hurt she felt, but he'd be there for her no matter what.

He was her best friend; he was her rock and he'd always be there for her. She knew that-he knew that it was a mutual thing between the two of them. He just hoped that he could do his job as her best friend while still keeping in the friend-zone that he knew he'd be stuck in. Genesis's only hope was that he'd be able to get out of that zone and be able to express himself to her before it gets too late for him to do so.

As it became the next day Genesis was the first to wake up first only to see that Angeal and Sephiroth were both looking at him rather amused. They didn't think to see that Genesis had fallen asleep on the couch with Reina in his arms. Genesis slowly and carefully got up-not wanting to wake up Reina from sleeping and took the two of them to the kitchen as he got himself coffee to wake up a bit more. "Let me explain myself before you two get ahead of yourselves. I don't want either one of you to get stupid ideas in your heads."

"You better explain yourself, cause what it looks like is you cheating on your girlfriend with Reina." Sephiroth stated

"Not that we wouldn't mind seeing you and Reina together, but you already have a girlfriend. Do you really want to go and do that like her ex did to her?" Angeal asked

Genesis took a sip of his coffee and sighed out. "Reina had a hard time sleeping last night, the breakup really got to her and she wanted comfort since she didn't feel safe in her room all on her own. So, her and I talked for two hours last night before she was able to calm her mind and emotions enough to sleep....and she just so happened to have fallen asleep on me. Which I don't mind just I hoped she would have come to because she liked me...not because she saw me as a comforting friend." Genesis said sadly looking down at his coffee cup in the process

"Riight, so you having a goofy smile on your face while you slept was for nothing then? We were just seeing shit Genesis." Angeal teased

"I have no idea what you're talking about, I don't have a 'goofy smile', and even if I do-what does it matter to you. Reina and I are just friends. What part of that don't you seem to understand?" Genesis said rather annoyed that Angeal was teasing him about something he knew wasn't ever going to happen-Reina didn't see him as a boyfriend material, what part of that didn't they understand?

"The part where you two are 'just friends' c'mon it's been years since you two became friends. You can't seriously be telling us that you two are really 'just friends' after so long." Sephiroth said with air quotes

"Oi dumb asses, stop trying to set him and I up, Ya'll two obviously can't see what's right in front of you. Genesis and I will always be 'just friends'. Anyways if you two haven't forgotten Genesis is already taken right now, Genesis has Sheria and he isn't the cheating type, he's nothing like the bastard that fucked up with me. So back off and apologize to Genesis, he doesn't need that from the two of you. And I'm not keen on the two of you trying to play 'match maker' with Gen and I when you two can't even keep the girls you two are with happy." Reina said scolding the two males from behind them.

The two males frowned a bit as they spoke. "Sorry Gen, Reina, we didn't mean anything bad about it. We'll get started on making breakfast." Angeal stated

"Good, you're forgiven this time." Reina stated before she looked to Sephiroth.

"I'll apologize, but I still believe you two are making a big mistake being just friends, if you two would stop ignoring what's right in front of you a lot of tension would be out of the house. But that is all I'll say on the matter." Sephiroth said before he went to help Angeal out.

Genesis could see that Reina was starting to show a bit more emotion than she had last night, so he motioned for her to follow him outside and she did. Reina didn't drink coffee, she couldn't-her weak small heart couldn't take the caffeine that was inside of coffee. Yes Reina loved drinking tea, but she wasn't in the mood to drink it at that time. That was more of a fall-winter type situation, and it was only mid-spring. It wasn't yet cold enough for something like tea.

[COMPLETE] Loveless Hearts [Genesis Rhaspsodos love story] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now