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Hearing her speak he scoffed a bit. "Then why don't you do it? Show him and her that you aren't okay with how things are."

Hearing his words, she marched into the dining area and pulled Sheria's chair from under her. "Get out of here, as the head of this house I refuse to allow you to be here after you know that I caught you cheating on Genesis. You are to leave and never return, you are nothing more than a lowlife hoe and I refuse to allow my best friend to be around someone so toxic and disgusting. If it wasn't for you, I'd still be with Reno, but no-you had to open your legs for someone who wasn't my best friend. So, leave before the cops are called on you-oh and if you ever eat my food again, I will grab the sharpest knife we have here and stab you so many times you won't be able to live anymore." Rena said darkly, irate.

Sheira glared at Reina before she scoffed and spoke in a sneering tone of voice. "Aww does the little freak of nature hate that I'm around Genesis. You think you're all that when you're not. You aren't the 'head of the house' that's Genesis, don't get your panties in a twist." She said before she looked at Genesis. "Genny dear can you put your stupid bitchy friend back in her place?"

Genesis didn't say shit and ignored Sheira to eat his own food. He was internally thankful that Reina had said what she had and had his back just like he had hers. Genesis had warned Sheria that she was sitting in Reina's seat, but Sheira didn't care and waved him off. So, Genesis knew that she was reaping what she sowed when it came to facing off against Reina. Sheira didn't like that Genesis wasn't doing anything, so she hit his arm only for Reina to pull her away from Genesis and stand between Genesis and her.

"Get the fuck out of here before I call the cops on you bitch."

"Fuck you! And Fuck Genesis! I preferred Reno over him anyways. At least Reno knows how to treat a girl right, he doesn't. Genesis doesn't even pamper me like Reno does!" Sheria huffed out before she stomped out of the house

Quietly Reina went to get the cleaning wipes and cleaned off her chair before she sat in it. She refused to sit in the chair knowing that someone who wasn't her sat in it. Once Reina sat down Sephiroth took the plate that had half eaten food on it and went to the kitchen to make Reina a repeat of what he had made for her. That way she could eat and take her medication, Sephiroth knew that the woman needed to take her medication otherwise she'd be very difficult to deal with.

Genesis was internally thankful that Reina had done what she had and had stopped that woman from causing any more damage, he looked at her with a small smile. "Thanks for that."

"Not a problem, you're my best friend. We have to have each other's backs, right?" She said with a small smile. "Just like I couldn't say 'no' to Reno, you were the same to that whore. Which still boggles me that you even were with that woman. Just what the hell were you thinking Genesis?"

"I...I don't think I did when I first got with her, she was a quick fuck that became a mistake relationship that I didn't even want to begin with." Genesis said with a sigh as Sephiroth came out with Reina's food and her medication.

Reina thanked Sephiroth before she finally ate her breakfast, feeling rather relieved to have food go into her body as well as taking her medication. She could slowly feel herself coming off of the small protective Adrenaline for Genesis.

After everyone was done eating and dishes were being taken care of by Angeal and Sephiroth so they could get the dishes done quickly, Tira spoke up curiously. "Reina, as much as I love seeing you home. Don't you have work or college right now?"

"Yeah, true. You don't usually enjoy breakfast with us on Fridays." Tara said with a nod of her head as she leaned against the table with one of her arms

"Well, that's because my shit ass boss fired me from where I worked due to my boss being a creep and wanting sexual favors from me. I wouldn't do what he wanted cause I kept on assaulting him to keep him from getting close to me whenever he'd catch me alone. And as for my college? We're on a holiday break since easter is not that far from now. So I don't have anything to do for a while." Reina said with a shrug as she had her hands inside of her pockets, Reina didn't like that Tira and Tara didn't listen to her when she had mentioned to them before what had happened. It was obvious that the two girls never really paid any attention to Reina or what she said to them

Genesis looked at Reina concerned; he couldn't believe what he had heard from Reina. First hearing about the fact that Reina had been cheated on by Reno, now hearing that she had been constantly pressured for sexual assault. Genesis didn't believe that Reina's mind was where it needed to be for her to be 'alright' or 'okay', so he had to make sure that his best friend wasn't going to do anything too stupid to herself. "Are you sure you are alright? I know a lot of things have happened to you Reina."

Reina gave him a small smiled before she spoke directly to him. "I'm just peachy Gen."

Genesis heard the sarcasm in her voice, he knew then that she wasn't alright with those words. He knew then that something must have happened to her that made her go over the edge, he knew then why she was wearing a hoodie in the middle of the springtime. It wasn't because she was cold, it was to hide what she had done to herself. After hearing Reina talk Angeal and Sephiroth came into the dining room as Angeal leaned against the wall going into the kitchen.

"Genesis, Zack found us a gig for tonight. He said that he had met a girl by the name of Aerith at a place called the bumble bee. So that's where we're playing tonight. Hopefully this place will go well for us." Angeal stated "It's going to be a gig from five tonight to midnight, apparently part of our pay is for us to have drinks and dinner there."

Reina was rather stunned to hear that the males had a gig after so long of not having a gig. "I'm happy to hear that you guys have a gig after so long. Break a leg out there guys, I'll be rooting for you." She said happily

Genesis smiled at Reina before he hugged her tightly. "Thank you, Hopefully tonight will be successful."

The three males then left out to practice with Cloud and Zack for that night so they wouldn't end up sounding like shit for that evening. Reina chose to stay on the first floor while the other two chose to go up to their room.

[COMPLETE] Loveless Hearts [Genesis Rhaspsodos love story] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now