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   "That's good to hear, So Andrea-I have a question for you." Genesis said as he leaned against the table

"Oh? What is it Genesis?" Andrea asked curiously

"Would it be possible to have the other two males that were part of Loveless that were screwed over part of Reina's band as well? Their names are Zach and Cloud. It'd made things easier for Reina. Zach and Cloud are good at what they do and it'd really show Angeal and Sephiroth just what they've done and said isn't going to ever happen." Genesis asked

Andrea was in thought for a moment before he nodded his head. "I've watched a few of your little concerts here and there. I know what you boys can do together. Zach and cloud are rather talented in what they do. I see no problem with it as long as Reina is alright with it."

Genesis looked at Reina. "What do you say babe?"

"I like the idea of them being a part of this too. Zach and Cloud aren't too bad." She said with a smile

"Looks like it's settled as long as they're up for it." Andrea said with a grin

Genesis got his phone out and he called Cloud-hoping that the kid would answer him. Which thankfully he did. "Hey Genesis, what's up?"

"Has Angeal or Sephiroth bitched and nagged at you lately?" Genesis asked

Cloud let out a small scoff. "Yeah, like twice already. They threatened Zach and I from leaving, we both want out of the toxic bull shit they've created."

"I'm not surprised to hear that. If you two really want to get out of there then I have a proposition for the two of you."

The phone was quiet for a moment before he heard Zach's voice. "What's your proposition Genesis?"

"As you two are aware of, I'm no longer part of Loveless-Angeal and Sephiroth can kiss my ass with what they've been doing. Reina has graciously allowed me to be part of a group she's forming. I can get the two of you out of there-but you two have to stand your ground with Angeal and Sephiroth. They've gotten completely bonkers and haven't been treating Reina fairly at all."

"What we've heard from Angeal is you two bailed out on their families leaving them to fend for themselves. Is that not true?" Cloud asked

"No, that's far from the truth. You can get the whole truth from Reina if you agree to stand your ground."

"I hate that they never let any one else speak, so we have a deal." Zach stated seriously

"Yeah, I'm not going to be around a bunch of dickheads just because they're playing a fake pity card." Cloud agreed

"Cool, You two can meet us where we are right now-Reina will tell you everything when you two show up." Genesis said before he hung up.

He then texted the place where they were before he looked at Andrea and Reina. "I got Cloud and Zach on board...just Reina...you're going to need to lay down the truth for those two. Apparently....Apparently Angeal and Sephiroth are playing pity cards which Cloud and Zach are pissed about."

"That's fair-I can do that not a problem." Reina said with a smile

While the lot of them were having their meals, Cloud and Zach made themselves known and patted Reina and Genesis's shoulders. "Hey you two, it's good to see the two of you." Zach said with a smile

Reina smiled as she looked up at Zach who was behind her. "Hey Zach, good to see you too. Come sit down."

They did between Kadaj and Genesis. Reina introduced Zach and Cloud to Andrea her manager before Andrea went through the specific's with the two of them about what they'd be signing up for. Both of them agreed to what they had to sign before they signed a copy of the contract. Afterwards Andrea got up and he placed a hand on Reina's shoulder. "I look forward to seeing what you can do now that you have loving people around you Reina. Come to the studio in two days and we'll talk about what I found for you."

"Sure thing." She said with a smile

  "So Reina, what the fuck is up with the toxic bug that crawled up Angeal and Sephiroth's ass?" Zach asked leaning against the table

"I don't know if you two knew this-but they got Tira and Tara pregnant before you all left out." Reina stated

Cloud and Zach shook their heads. "We had no idea that they did that." Zach stated

She sighed out and leaned against the table. "Yeah..they did. I had to play baby sitter-not just to their kids Viven and Leo, but to the girls as well. I have written proof from Angeal and Sephiroth stating that they would reimburse me for the troubles of taking care of their damn kids. But they haven't been good on their promise to me. Instead I've dealt with bull shit and drama from them. While you guys were busy elsewhere I managed to become a rather popular novelist. With the money that I got from the books I wrote I was wanted to do things for the house that I used to live in with those girls and those assholes. But Tira and Tara thought that it'd be a good fucking idea to take my card without telling me. We've had shut off notices for everything in that place and got an eviction notice because I hadn't been able to pay the damn rent no thanks to them." Reina explained

Cloud, Zach, Kadaj and Anya were all rather stunned to hear what they were from Reina. Genesis then spoke up. "Reina ended up almost dying due to her depression getting really bad cause those two idiots she lived with at the time threw out her anti-depressants. Knowing damn fucking well that she'd need to buy them once she ran out of them. She was in the hospital for a little while and while she was in the hospital those girls had the fucking audacity to yell at her about the fact that they were evicted from the house and the fact that I pulled Reina and I's shit from that hell hole and chose to live away from them."

"they demanded to know where he and I lived because 'I owed them', which I don't-it's the opposite actually but like they'd actually give a fuck." Reina said sadly

Kadaj shook his head. "That's hella fucked up Reina, I'm so sorry you had to go through that bull shit."

"Yeah sis, we had no idea you went through all of that...A-Are you okay now?" Anya asked concerned

"Yeah, I've been on my meds again and being around Gen has helped a lot."

"So...you two actually a couple now or are you two still dancing around the bush?" Cloud asked

"We're a couple." Reina said happily as she hugged Genesis tightly

Genesis smiled as he looked down at her. "It took me a bit to get her to realize that I wasn't fucking with her-but she's telling the truth." He said as he laced his hand with hers

"ITS ABOUT FUCKING TIME!" Anya shouted slamming her hands on the table

Genesis and Reina laughed a bit with a smile on their faces. "Sis, I know you probably saw a lot of signs huh?"

"YES!!!" She said nodding her head. "Oh my fucking gods you two were internally killing me when we were growing up!"

Kadaj nodded his head in agreement. "I can say very firmly that you two were oblivious to the advances that you two did to one another."

"Calling the kettle black kid." Reina said teasing Kadaj

Kadaj averted his eyes. "I thought it'd be weird to be with Anya since Tira is in a relationship with my elder bro, but I found out from Anya that you and her aren't blood related to those two."

Reina blinked her eyes a few times stunned. "That's the first I've heard of that shit...at least for me. I knew Anya was adopted. I picked the bitch out."

"Yeah...Mom spilled everything to me after you graduated and were out of the house." Anya said with a nod of her head

"Well fuck....Guess I really don't have to deal with Tira and Tara's bull shit."Reina said with a shrug

[COMPLETE] Loveless Hearts [Genesis Rhaspsodos love story] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now