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"isn't that.."
"Shh, she might hear you."
"Who cares do you think she can introduce us to her brother?"
"Don't even try, her brother doesn't even look her way anymore, not since the incident."
"What incident?"

Amelia sighs as she just ignores the blatant stares and whispers as she stops in the coffee shop in hero costume.

*Fuck my life.* She thinks to herself as she pays for her drink and heads out of the cafe not wanting to stay any longer.

*It's always like this, especially now that HE is fighting for rank 2 spot now. All my mistakes in hero work, how I hold myself, how I talk, walk, E V E R Y T H I N G.*

The red haired woman with an oversized Hoodie, leggings, and utility belt around her waist walks down the busy streets of New York, sipping her coffee as she goes, heading back to Beam Line Agency, which is owned by her brother.

No one really bothers her, it's not too often shes recognized, which is a blessing in her opinion. She isn't too much of a people person, she's too socially awkward. But she works her butt off and mask it well enough on the job.

The incident was a rookie mistake she did 6 years ago when she was 20. She almost got herself killed and a few civilians, all because she wasn't strong and fast enough. She was lucky her brother got there when he did, but it costed him multiple surgeries and physical therapy sessions to even regain the ability to walk and run again. She thought she could handle it, she was so wrong. Now she has to live with a slightly fractured relationship with her brother who has a major over protection streak and became a massive asshole.

But she can't blame him.. she did almost ruin his whole life. Though her cat, Stubby, always writes and tells her it wasn't her fault, after all who would have believed a rookie there was a terrorist attack going on? Her superior told her to investigate if she was "so sure". If anything it was that guys fault.

Oh yeah you heard correctly her cat writes to her. Insane as it sounds he can hold a pen with his tail and write, though the writing is.. bad, not that she would ever tell her best friend that!! Oh yeah, that three legged, one eyed cat is her best friend. Which is kind of sad if you think about it. With how everyone wants to get close to her brother, to his influence, the easiest target would be to befriend or even date her. She has no.. real friends, the ones she has were caught trying to sleep with her brother and it was quickly discovered they didn't care for her at all.

Her brother Miguel, always calls her to trusting for her own good, to naive. It makes her sick to hear those words.. it's hard to read people for her, to tell what someone's real intentions are, probably due to a bit of autism she has. It makes it difficult for her to read people and social cues, especially sarcasm unless it's covered in it.

To be completely honest, her brother.. use to be nice until he became really famous, then he.. he changed. Became a asshole, he even told her she should quit being a hero cause he wouldn't always be there to save her, like she's some damsel in distress! Amelia Tano is a hero, a hero I tell you! She is strong in her own right! She's pro hero Mercy, the medic hero! Saving thousands of people each year with her quirk and her skills she learned hopping onto the two years nursing course she took after graduating hero school.

Amelia enters the tall building, her brothers agency. This building could almost be called a skyscraper with 20 something floors to it plus a giant basement with a 15 car garage underground. She heads to the elevator as she scans her ID and pushes the apartment floor. Which is floor 18 through 23, she's on floor 19.

It's less than a minute ride up to her apartment floor and she exits and heads to her room, again scanning her card and entering in and shutting the door, which she slumps again sighing.

She gets out of her slump quickly kicking off her shoes by the door and placing her now empty coffee cup in the trash can as she enters the kitchen area.

"Stubby I'm home!" She says in her usual soft tone though it's a bit louder than usual as she yells this out above normal volume.

It's not long with the pitter patter of pawed feet is heard and soon enough a three legged, one eyed, white cat hops onto the kitchen counter, purring loudly at her as she gets food out for the both of them, but not placing the note book with a pen on the counter before she prepares breakfast for the both of them.

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting all night, I honestly didn't expect my brother to request back up from well.. me, last night." She says to her furry friend

The sound of a pen on paper is heard, when she finally has food and turns around to put both plates of chicken she just heated up for the two of them on the counter.

She reads the paper which said, 'was he grateful?'

She snorts a little as she rips a piece of chicken off and pops it in her mouth, "you've known me and my brother for how long? He'd rather shoot his foot or fight a villain than admit I managed to help him, especially after telling him to stop telling me I should just quit heroing all those years ago." She complains a little to her friend.

The white furred cat rolls it's single eye  before writing on the paper, 'dont remind me, I thought maybe he wouldn't be a dick to you for once, considering you dropped your one night off to help him with this mission.'

Amelia's red eyes soften, "yeah.."

It's silent for a few moments longer as the sound of chewing takes over for a few minutes before Amelia takes the plates and starts washing them.

She sighs again and says, "maybe.. I should move out or something. Move to a different state, get out from my brother constant shadow. I'm sure there are plenty of other states needing heros and, ya know me! I don't exactly care for fame or fortune though money is always nice hehe~" she giggles cutely for a moment before her face falls, she looks at the wall across the kitchen and it has some pictures.

Most of them are with her older brother when they were younger, and her first day becoming a hero. There's nothing new or recent on the wall besides the pictures of her and Stubby.

*It's.. all my fault.. if I wasn't so useless.. maybe we could have stayed close.*

Unknown to her, Stubby watches her, and his yellow eye narrows and intrigued at her words. This is his human, and as many as much as he tried to understand human dynamics he can't ever understand the reason why her older brother would be so mean, he's nice one minute then making her feel completely shitty the next. Keeping her under his thumb like that's gonna protect her.

*Amelia.. I'll do my best to get you someplace better than here, you deserve a place to flourish without people who work for your brother or admire him so much stopping you. it's about time I reach out to my old friend.* Stubby thinks as he watches his human take her face mask off and place it on the cabinet and heads to her room to shower.

He rips the paper out he just wrote on out of the note book by his teeth, and begins to write..

The Teaching Assistant (A My Hero Academia Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now