Chapter 22

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Amelia is awoken in the dead of night, she would have screamed if her body wasn't hurting so bad. The hard to see figure was Aizawa in a black shirt that literally says "eat sleep work repeat" with bright pink sweats. Her eyes really have to focus on him.

"Take your meds otherwise this is going to be hell for you. It's already hell for me having to get up every four to five hours to make you take meds in the middle of the night." Aizawa states tiredly holding out pills to her.

She shifts to sit up and groans as she does but takes the meds pops them into her mouth shakily and takes the glass of water from him as she drink greedily almost choking on the pill size (anyone else do that? Just me.. okay..).

Aizawa takes the cup and trudes back out of the room pausing.. he sighs and ask, "do you need to use the restroom?"

"W-What?" She stutters tiredly almost having to do a double take in the question

"I said," he turns back toward her, "do you need to use the restroom. Last thing I need is you getting up by yourself." He states plainly to her

Amelia shakes her head after a moment, "I'm.. good but t-thanks..?"

Aizawa just grumbles stuff under his breath as he shuts the door back and heads back to the cluttered storage room where he's already sleeping shitty in, he just flops half way into the bed in the storage room giving up on life at the moment and sleeps like that.

Telia of course tries to go back to bed and finds herself needing the bathroom. Not wanting to yell for Aizawa, I mean one he just asked her, and two no way in hell she was gonna bother him to help her to the toilet.

She slowly sits up groaning as she slowly swings her legs to the floor, where she steady to her feet. She begins to walk to the bathroom, stumbling a little and grabbing the doorway as she huffs. She does her business manages to wash her hands and make it back to the bed. Her body burn and she curses those stupid anti quirk cuffs.

She tries to get some sleep, but each time she'd get into the trance she just seen images of that.. thing, grabbing her, the pain, she felt her bones break, shatter. She remembered Aizawa getting grabbed too, through bloody red vision. Amelia won't lie, she had people throw a body or two at her before, that was when she was okay, healed, and expecting it, not being use to body slam her further into the concrete making her mush.

Amelia doesn't sleep well that night. Morning comes and she's already taking another pain pill, Aizawa was kind enough to bring her food to bed. She blushes slightly as he also brings his own food in with him, using the bed side table for his own meal.

"You know.. you're the first to bring me breakfast in bed.." she says trying to make small talk, "thanks by the way for the umm food."

Aizawa grunts in response swallowing his food, "you can't walk by yourself, I'm not idiotic enough to force you out of the bed to eat. Don't get used to this I won't be bringing you food to eat when your healed up."

"Tch, I know that." Amelia quips back taking another spoonfull

They eat in silence and Aizawa takes empty food bowls and the tray back out of the room. In the mean time the cats come wondering in, ignoring him much to his dismay and instead cat pile around her.

Amelia smiles as she pets them, the dark circles under her eyes aren't lost to Aizawa. He noticed them when he walked into the room the first time.

Either she's in pain or.. she was more traumatized than the doctors thought.

To Aizawa it made sense, she should have died, hell he should have died. But he didn't, and neither did she.

"The kids will want to see you as soon as possible so heal up. I can't deal with them on my own." Aizawa tells her in a off handed comment as he leans on the door way watching with a tiny bit of disdain how he lost his cats to her.

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