Chapter 9

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This apartment is nice. It's a 2 bed 2 bath apartment with a decent kitchen and living room all wood floors no carpet. Amelia has things she needs to accomplish today! Bank stuff, groceries, and then call the nice woman who dropped her off, preferably in that order. She's thankful the bank she was using already has a bank here in Japan, it's a popular bank. She just has to go there, get her accounting number and this setup as her primary residence. She also needs to exchange her American dollars for yen.

*Maybe that Kayama can teach me a thing or too about the currency.* She thinks to herself.

She debates calling Kayama for a moment, it's been a little over an hour since she finally unpacked all her clothes. It's not a lot but she didn't really like having a lot of clothes, if she has too many to choose from, she might not wear them all. So if she gets something new she donates something she doesn't wear anymore. Though a lot of her clothing has slowly become Stubbys personal selection using it to lay on. She can't be mad at him, if anything it's kind of cute.

She grabs her phone and decides to text the number, not wanting to call and bother the woman.

"Hey Kayama it's Tano, I was wondering if you could be my guide to some places. Of course that's if you're not busy. I don't want to be a bother, you've already done plenty."

it's not even a minute later and she gets a quick message back.

"Sure thing! I already told you I got the whole day off to help you, bosses orders. You aren't a bother at all, we are gonna have to work on your self esteem issues girl."

Amelia blushes and gives off a sheepish smile at the text, it's weird texting someone that isn't... Her brother. That reminds her, she looks and make sure her brothers number is blocked on her phone, the last thing she needs is his constant spamming.

As she double checks the number is blocked she slips her shoes on by the door and grabs her purse, she does wave goodbye to Stubby who is still scouting the place out for the best napping spot. She opens the door and surprised to run face first into a boobs. Amelia backs away embarrassed but Kayama laughs and gives off a wink, "wow you moved away fast heh, come on don't be shy, you said you needed me to be a guide right? I'm your tour guide today darling~"

Amelia sputters out apologies, "I'm sorry I d-didnt mean too I s-shouldn't have  rushed out my door."

*Damn my height.*

Kayama laughs and pats Amelia's head, "girl your fine! Not like you groped me or did something on purpose. Your just the perfect height, you'd be surprised how many men wish they could be your height just to do what you did."

Amelia doesn't really understand what she's throwing down but says, "I'm.. still sorry." She clears her throat and throws her hands into her hoodie pockets pulling out her phone with her right hand, "So umm, first things first, I need to head to Seiche Bank, their partnered with the bank I have a account through in America and should be easy to transfer everything to it." She mumbles changing the subject

Kayama nods finding Amelia adorable as they begin walking to the parking garage. "Sure thing. I'll be your sexy chauffeur today cutie~" Kayama winks to her friend in the making

The wink and words cause Amelia to blush again causing Kayama to giggle, "you don't get flirted with often do you?"

"Your flirting with me!?" Amelia squeaks

"I can if you want me too." Kayama winks as she unlocked her car and they both get in

Amelia squirms, "p-please don't. I mean, I umm I'm not interested in girls?"

"That sounded like a question more than a answer? I'm just teasing you Tano." She pulls out of the parking garage and says, "Man, Hizashi is gonna eat you up, that's my other friend, that guy that was there during the interview, the blonde. He's a womanizer but he isn't bad, a big dorky flirt if I've seen one. He's harmless, I could always be your knight in shining armor if he becomes too much."

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