Chapter 16

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"You haven't found her!?" Shouts Miguel looking at his friends, "how can my sister just up and disappear!? I'm the number three hero for crying out loud, someone must have seen her!!?"

"Calm down Miguel, shes probably just went to a different state and laying low." States Derek, "I think this is for the best anyway she just-"

He chokes as Miguel is on him in second pulling his collar tight and into his face, "She was never in the way. You and I both know that. The whole reason for us trying to get out of hero was to protect her." He let's go of Derek's collar and runs his hands down his face, "she's been missing almost a week. Damn it I.. I pushed her to hard, I pushed her away."

Derek watches Miguel while a dark skinned woman with bright blue flaming hair and glowing eyes chimes in, "I told you two we were going to far the past couple years. I say we should have told her the reason why we didn't want her being a hero anymore, not bullied her until she literally ran away."

A twin of the woman but her flaming hair white and her eyes glowing blue chimes in, "I wouldn't call it running away, she's a grown adult after all. But I do think we went to far, Miguel you definitely should have told her rather than distancing yourself and others from her. I'm surprised it took this long."

"Angel, Serri, I normally would appreciate you advice at the moment, if I wasn't blistering with rage and panic trying to figure out where the fuck my sister is. What if some evil scientists got her.." Miguel trails off his golden eyes narrowing

That made everyone tense, "l-like that would happen." States Derek waving his hand, "this is Amelia were talking about, stubborn as a bull, a decent fighter. Plus with the amount of people we have-"

"Had. You mean had watching her, it would have been impossible. But she's gone.. my.. my little sister is gone and I have no idea where she is." Miguel clenches his phone in his hand causing it to break which he curses and the rest of the group sweat drops

Angel the white flaming haired girl grabs his arm, "it'll be okay Miguel, Amelia is strong. I'm sure wherever she is, she's fine."

Miguel just shook off the hand and stepped away growling, a weird glow in his skin as he cursed, "I'm gonna let off some steam, keep searching. Call me immediately if you find anything on her." He opened the balcony of his building and hopped on the fencing and jumped before a big boom and he was gone only leaving red sparkling residue.

Derek sighs, "that girl is always causing Miguel to loose his cool."

"Can you blame him, that's his only family left!" States the Blue flaming woman who is known as Serri

"Yeah, but for a guy to care so much for his sister to treat her like garbage for years because of.. the incident."

"I don't blame him." Derek states cooly leaning against the balcony looking after Miguel

" Derek states cooly leaning against the balcony looking after Miguel

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"Of course you don't lover boy~" teased Angel

Derek sputters and growls, "I beg your pardon!? Lover boy!?"

"Hehe, so obvious." States Serri her flaming hair cracking with delight

"So cute~" says Angel giggling

"S-Stop teasing and being weird. Don't just stand there; help me gather information so we can get Miguel happy again!" Derek states red faced marching past the two twins in their hero costumes

 Don't just stand there; help me gather information so we can get Miguel happy again!" Derek states red faced marching past the two twins in their hero costumes

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The two twins share a look and giggle following after Derek who is grumbling and pulling at his tie as they exit.

So far Miguel has stopped three crimes in the past two hours, but that is because New York is always hopping with crime. He gives off sweet smile and does quick fan signings before using the energy he gathers to take flight again.


Quirk: Energy Manipulation

Description: allows the user to absorb energy of the sun, or from people to make himself stronger, faster, even take flight by releasing large amounts. He's constantly absorbing energy whether he wants to or not. This causes him to fidget and have trouble sleeping it's like he has a large amount of caffeine.

Draw Backs: literally bouncing off the wall if he doesn't let out the energy he absorbs and stores. Also constantly eating since his metabolism is freakishly high. At night he can't absorb anything for some reason, it's like his body is working in conjunction with the sun.

Age: 36

Miguel makes it back home taking a step onto the balcony sighing as he watches the sun go down.

"Sis.. I.. please be safe... Where ever you are. Your asshole brother.. he.. he's sorry." He states in a soft voice looking down at some of the cuts he got before tensing and they heal up. He feels extremely tired after that and stumbles back inside shutting the balcony on his building.

__________AUTHORS NOTE_________

SO.. I wanted to write a chapter about her brother... So here we are. In my opinion he's still a asshole.

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